police state

PM Harper's drummer charged with sexual assaults. On children

UPDATE @ Bottom!  Well, well, well...... Prime Minister Stephen Harper's bandmate, his drummer, has been charged with molesting children. Sexual assaults on children. What is that saying about the company you keep?

“Tell me what company you keep and I'll tell you what you are"

PM Harper certainly keeps some interesting company

Festival of Dangerous Ideas 2013: David Simon

There are two Americas. In one, bankers get golden parachutes, insider traders return to society as well-paid consultants, and influence is for sale. In the other, opportunity is scarce and forgiveness scarcer, jail awaits those caught possessing recreational drugs, and cries for help are ignored. Society preaches forgiveness for the rich and retribution for the poor.

Military Metaphysics: How Militarism Mangles the Mind

Clapper and many others who have come out of the military discern no difference between terrorists and reporters, and by reporters I am not referring to the boot-licking courtiers on television and in Washington who masquerade as reporters. Carry out an interview with a member of al-Qaida, as I have, and you become in the eyes of generals like Clapper a member of al-Qaida. Most generals I know recognize no need for an independent press.

Update: TSA Harasses Police Chief – Placed On Administrative Leave – Told To Disband Entire Police Department (UPDATED)

We covered this on today’s broadcast – THE JACK BLOOD SHOW (Jan 31 2014) Exclusive interview with Chief Harger

Listen here – hr 2
UPDATE: Apparently Harger knew about a cop killing his (not Harger’s) wife and was not about to hold the THIN BLUE LINE pat story – The Levi Chavez Case: From the Beginning
(Official Story) Police chief name change leads to TSA confrontation

American State of the Union: A Festival of Lies

Barack Obama, who has presided over the sharpest increases in economic inequality in U.S. history, adopts the persona of public advocate, reciting wrongs inflicted by unseen and unknown forces that have “deepened” the gap between the rich and the rest of us and “stalled” upward mobility. Having spent half a decade stuffing tens of trillions of dollars into the accounts of an ever shrinking gaggle of financial capitalists, Obama declares this to be “a year of action” in the opposite direction.