police state

A world war between classes, not countries

While powerful beneficiaries of war and military spending - major banks (as primary lenders to governments) and the military-security-industrial complex - thrive on war and international tensions, they nonetheless tend to prefer local, national, limited, or "manageable" wars to large scale regional or global wars that, in a cataclysmic fashion, could paralyze global markets altogether.

Government Now Allowed to Break into Your Car for Any Reason? Tampa Car owner’s run in with Cops …

Businessman upset about Tampa Police search of his truck
WFLA News Channel 8
“You think if anyone is going to break into your vehicle in Ybor, the last person you think, it’s going to be the cops.”
Matthew Heller didn’t know what to think when he found his truck ransacked and torn apart after leaving a concert in Ybor in February. Then, he found a note.

Refuting President Obama’s Lies, Omissions, and Distortions

Obama refers to fighting “terrorism” yet his policies have encouraged and promoted terrorism. Washington armed the Islamist terrorists who overthrew the secular Gaddafi government and plunged that country into chaos. Obama backs the Islamist terrorists invading and attempting to overthrow the secular regime Syria. He provides 1.5 billion dollars in military aid to an Egyptian military dictatorship terrorizing its democratic, civilian political opposition, assassinating and imprisoning thousands of dissidents.

NSA Collecting Our Faces from Web Pics for Facial Recognition Programs

The N.S.A. is Collecting Millions of Faces from Facebook and other Social Media Images The National Security Agency is harvesting huge numbers of images of people from communications that it intercepts through its global surveillance operations for use in sophisticated facial recognition programs, according to…Read more →

Police can now Kick in Your Door and seize Guns without Warrant/Charges if believed “in your best interests”

Another serious blow to the United States Constitution. In a unanimous decision last month, the The 7th Circuit Court of Appeals determined that law enforcement officers are not required to present a warrant or charges before forcibly entering a person’s home, searching it,…Read more →