police state

These White Boxes Could Track Your Every Move

In fall 2013, Seattle, WA, residents noticed mysterious white boxes installed on street corners throughout downtown Seattle. Their interest only grew when curious WiFi networks with the names of those street corners began to pop up on their mobile phones as available networks to connect to. The boxes and WiFi turned out to be a wireless mesh network set up by the city for emergency personnel to communicate in case of a disaster.

Facebook, Google, Microsoft and Other Tech Giants Active Participation with NSA Spying Confirmed while Activists Launch Anti-Spying Counter Initiative

NSA attorney Rajesh De says Facebook, Google and Yahoo were not only aware of the NSA’s surveillance program, but that they also in fact provided ‘full assistance’ in the collection of data. Rajesh De, in a hearing of the U.S. government’s institutional privacy watchdog, confirmed my suspicion that every one of the communication industry’s tech giants such as Facebook, Google, Apple and…

Shame Of The Church of England: Dean of Westminster Allows Hundreds of Police To Attempt Stamp Out Of Disabled People’s Peaceful Protest

The leadership of the Church of England showed themselves to have the morals of sewer rats today after hundreds of police were drafted in to prevent a peaceful protest by disabled campaigners.
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