police state

We Are the Government: Tactics for Taking Down the Police State

“The people have the power, all we have to do is awaken that power in the people. The people are unaware. They’re not educated to realize that they have power. The system is so geared that everyone believes the government will fix everything. We are the government.”—John Lennon
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13 Identical Likenesses Between Barrack Hussein Obama and Adolf Hitler

Holocaust Survivor Says Obama’s America is almost Identical to Hitler’s Germany in the Beginning. There have been numerous articles written comparing Barack Obama to Adolf Hitler. I have written a couple myself. The articles mention about Obama trying to disarm the American people just like Hitler did and how Obama has shown himself to be very dictatorial, just like Hitler. However, we write only using…

As a Dissident you have been Targeted for Extraction, Internment and Resettlement

This is not just another FEMA camp article which can be easily debunked. This article deals with the fact that a recent government manual, leaked to the public, details the plans for mass arresting dissident Americans and stripping them of their citizenship so as to be able to violate the Constitution and the Geneva Convention…

America’s New Brutalism: the Death of Sandra Bland

On July 9, soon after Sandra Bland, a 28-year-old African-American woman, moved to Texas from Naperville, Illinois to take a new job as a college outreach officer at her alma mater, Prairie View A&M, she was pulled over by the police for failing to signal while making a lane change. What followed has become all too common and illustrates the ever increasing rise in domestic terrorism in the United States.

DisInfoWars with Tom Secker- A Philosophy of Fear?

Tom Secker Presents Professor Lars Svendsen
In a culture that in many ways is characterized by social disintegration, fear is something we all share, a unifying perspective on existence. Political fear does not arise in a vacuum, it is created and maintained. This week we explore these ideas with Professor Lars Svendsen, the author of A Philosophy of Fear. We discuss why he wrote the book, where the modern culture and climate of fear comes from, whether philosophy has adequately confronted it, and how a politics of trust could be the antidote to the politics of fear.

DisInfoWars with Tom Secker- The Politics of Fear

Today, almost all politics are a politics of fear, and almost all policies are defended and excused through some notion of 'security'. Fear-therefore-security is the dominant political dynamic of our time. This week I take a look at these concepts, exploring whether all politics is a politics of fear, and offering examples of when this can work well and when it can work very badly. I focus in on the recent general election in the UK, showing how every candidate, even those offering some degree of real opposition, are all engaged in a politics of fear and security.

Western collusion with Egypt’s reign of terror

An indication of how this is to play out can be discerned from Monday’s judgment of the UK’s Investigatory Powers Tribunal (IPT), which found that Britain’s equivalent of the NSA, Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), had spied on a number of human rights groups around the world.
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