police state

Bible studies now banned at American senior center

from WND: ‘Some were purportedly offended’ A senior center in Missouri is facing a massive fight after it abruptly halted – and banned – a Bible study being held by residents. The Christian Post reported the American Center for Law and Justice indicated a lawsuit might be needed. The situation developed at a senior living center in […]

‘Unthinkable:’ J6 Committee Accused of DESTROYING Key Intelligence Documents About Capitol Riot

by Victoria Taft, PJ Media: It looks like the background intelligence documents about the Capitol Hill riot have gone the way of certain Secret Service call records, the Capitol Hill pipe bomber’s identity, the ID of the White House cocaine addict, and Hillary Clinton’s bleach bit emails. Key evidence is missing. It’s gone. Vanished. If you’re […]

America’s globalist leaders are psychologically programming the public for World War III, nuclear Armageddon and climate LOCKDOWNS

by Ethan Huff, Natural News: The world is being prepped by the globalists for some very soon, and very extreme, changes to the global economic order. Lately, there has been a lot of talk about a “nuclear armageddon” and another round of lockdowns, this time to fight climate change and global warming. The daughter of Klaus Schwab, […]

Mexican Presidential Candidate Marcelo Ebrard Announces “Angel Plan” Surveillance State Nightmare

Mexican Presidential candidate Marcelo Ebrard recently announced a security plan which calls for using several digital technologies with the potential to create a nationwide surveillance state. On July 10th, Mexican politician Marcelo Ebrard announced the Angel Plan, a security program which would use eight digital technologies in an attempt to end the infamous instability and Read More...


from SGT Report: Bronny James’ basketball career ended last week thanks to what’s most likely a vax induced heart attack. His father Billionaire basketball superstar Lebron James has been silent about the cause of his son’s near fatality despite the tangible documents proving that Pfizer and the CDC KNEW this is exactly what would happen […]

Technocensorship: The Government’s War on So-Called Dangerous Ideas

Technocensorship: The Government’s War on So-Called Dangerous Ideas by John & Nisha Whitehead, The Rutherford Institute August 1, 2023   “There is more than one way to burn a book. And the world is full of people running about with lit matches.” —Ray Bradbury What we are witnessing is the modern-day equivalent of book burning