police state

Orlando Attack Was a Tragedy, but Not Deadliest Mass Shooting in US History

Some media reports have called the mass shooting at Orlando’s Pulse nightclub the worst in U.S. history. Does this ‘erase’ Wounded Knee and other tragedies in the violent history of the United States?

(MINTPRESS) In the aftermath of the Pulse nightclub rampage, Americans are struggling to come to terms with another shocking mass shooting.

Corrupt Crown Prosecution Service Bins Action on Extraordinary Rendition and Torture

Former UK Ambassador to Uzbekistan, Craig Murray, has published two posts on the evidence he gave to the Metropolitan Police on the UK government’s complicity in extraordinary rendition and torture – evidence which has now been ‘binned’ by the Crown Prosecution Service. The first post (below) includes images of his witness statements to police and the second which follows is […]

This Police Officer Was Fired for Wearing an ‘I Love Weed’ Hat While on Duty

(ANTIMEDIA) United Kingdom — A British police officer who wore a hat with a cannabis logo and the words, “I love weed,” while on duty has been found guilty of gross misconduct. PC Simon Ryan from North Yorkshire police also defaced a suspect’s CV — an in-depth resume — with the words “paedo” and “kiddie fiddler” during a child abuse inquiry.

Trump, Hillary in Race to Shred Constitution in Wake of Orlando Massacre

(ANTIMEDIA) United States — As the nation experienced collective shock over the hate crime cum terror attack on an LGBTQ-friendly club in Orlando, the leading-by-default presidential candidates decided the time was ripe for declaring war on your constitutional rights.
Donald Trump declared war on an entire religion — and to a lesser degree, journalism, free speech, and sanity.

Here’s What the FBI Was Doing Instead of Catching the Orlando Shooter

(ANTIMEDIA) After the most recent mass shooting in Orlando, Florida — the worst in U.S. history — one might ask how the FBI was able to investigate the perpetrator, twice, without deciding to take any further action. This question is further confounded by the fact the perpetrator was, according to his wife, an abusive, unstable man suffering from bipolar disorder.

Double Tap: Mexican Military Is Disturbingly Efficient at Killing Its Own Citizens

(ANTIMEDIA) America is known for its military capabilities and culture of warrior worship among its population. What if, however, you learned that Mexico — not America — is the force with the highest recorded kill rate? Mexican Marines, in fact, are such efficient killers that international watchdogs fear the numbers all but confirm some of the most horrid tales of atrocity from the ongoing drug war.

Millimeter Microwaves: ‘Anti-Terror’ Artificial Intelligence Scanning in Public

Pippa King
21st Century Wire
There is a new technology being tested for use on UK civilians en masse on our streets, millimetre microwave scanners.
These electromagnetic radiation scanners, which use Ultra Wide Band (UWB) at 75-110 GHz, are able to be beamed at crowds to detect potential concealed weapons being carried by individuals.

The Media Divides Us With Gorillas to Enable the Crimes of the Government

(ANTIMEDIA) United States — By now, we’ve all witnessed selective outrage in real time — a misdeed, tragedy, or other infuriating item blows up national headlines and almost immediately receives backlash in the vein of, ‘well, why isn’t anyone irate about ___ ?’ It’s as if society has developed not only an odd hypocritical corner on the market of concern, but a notable inability to impassion itself with more than one issue at once.

Black Lives Matter Leader Convicted of Lynching, But Not How You Think

(ANTIMEDIA) Pasadena, CA — Black Lives Matter leader Jasmine Abdullah, better known as Jasmine Richards, was convicted of felony lynching on Wednesday after a jury deliberated for just two hours. Anti-Media was in the courtroom covering the trial, in which Richards became the first black person in the U.S. to be convicted of lynching.