police state

Judge Rules in Favor of Privacy on Fingerprint-Locked Phones

(ANTIMEDIA) Chicago, IL — Congratulations, friend. You are now slightly more free thanks to a recent ruling by a federal judge in Chicago. The Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI), the nation’s top law enforcement agency, previously filed a warrant to search the home of a man believed to be trafficking child pornography. U.S. Magistrate Judge David Weisman denied the request based on a lack of evidence to justify to the privacy intrusion.

Here’s What It Looks Like When the Mainstream Media Gets It Right

(ANTIMEDIA Op-Ed)  — In an era of what WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange calls “weaponized text” — when terms like “fake news” can be used to discredit media outlets who refuse to tow the corporate line — it’s important to point out instances where journalists get it right.
One such journalist, who got it right for The New Yorker on Tuesday, is Steve Coll — whether he meant to or not.

What the New CIA Leaks Tell Us About the U.S. Government

“The greatest danger to the State is independent intellectual criticism.” – Murray Rothbard
(ANTIMEDIA Op-Ed) WikiLeaks may have finally done what many small and anti-government advocates have only dreamed of. They exposed the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) for what it is: a bloated government bureaucracy that has grown much too large to be restrained.