police state

Doctors Gave Boy 3 Days to Live, Then His Mom Secretly Gave Him Cannabis

(ANTIMEDIA) Both anecdotal evidence and clinical research are beginning to show the promise of cannabis in treating a variety of health issues. According to one family in the U.K., cannabis helped a dying teenage boy recover fully from complications from leukemia. The family recently appeared on the British talk show, This Morning, to discuss their experience.

Do ‘National Security Letters’ Violate the 1st Amendment?

(ANTIMEDIA) San Francisco, CA — The question is at the heart of an ongoing court battle between the Federal Bureau of Investigations and two communications service providers represented by the Electronic Frontier Foundation. EFF is representing CREDO Mobile and Cloudflare in their efforts to defend themselves against the use of the controversial national security letters (NSL). Both companies were legally bound to secrecy for years under the provisions of the NSL, itself a creation of the 2001 PATRIOT Act.

“Vandals” Take Blowtorch to DAPL Just Days Before It Goes Operational

(ANTIMEDIA) South Dakota — The battle was lost, but apparently the war continues on for water protectors who are still trying to stop the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL).
The Associated Press is reporting that suspected vandals, possibly individuals from the #NoDAPL campaign, have burned a hole in the side of the pipeline with what appears to have been a blowtorch.

Judge Orders Google to Hand over Data on Anyone Who Searched for a Certain Name

(ANTIMEDIA) Hennepin County, MN — A Minnesota judge recently signed a search warrant ordering Google, Inc. to hand over personal information on anyone who searched a specific name, a decision that could set an alarming precedent that would render the fourth amendment virtually ineffective with regard to online privacy.