police state

People Are Trolling the Shit out of Trump’s New Illegal Alien Hotline

(ANTIMEDIA) President Trump keeps getting trolled.
Shortly after he was elected and began signing executive orders, the internet had a field day with an image of the president holding a folder containing blank pages. Trolls photoshopped text into the blank pages in the photograph, mocking the newly-inaugurated head of state.

The U.S. Government Declares War on WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange

(ANTIMEDIA) The U.S. government is dramatically ratcheting up its rhetoric against whistleblowing news collective Wikileaks, announcing on Thursday that authorities are preparing new charges on which to arrest the group’s founder, Julian Assange. Assange has lived at the Ecuadorian embassy in London for the last four years in order to avoid extradition and arrest.

Ex-DEA Spokeswoman: ‘Marijuana Is Safe,’ Kept Illegal Because It’s a ‘Cash Cow’

(ANTIMEDIA) Before the heroin epidemic became a nationwide problem, claiming thousands of lives, Plano, Texas, was already entrenched. And like many of the places caught in the crosshairs of the continuing heroin crisis, Plano is the last place that one would expect to be swept into the opioid tidal wave.

The New DHS Secretary Just Tried to Scare the Hell out of Americans

(ANTIMEDIA) As an agency that responds only to the executive branch of the government, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is tasked with the stated chore of looking after the country’s public security. This involves several fronts, placing the department in charge of anti-terrorism programs, border security, cybersecurity, immigration, and others.

Not Just Syria: 5 Huge News Stories to Keep an Eye on amid the Madness

(ANTIMEDIA) The world’s eyes and ears have once again turned toward Syria following last week’s chemical weapons attack and U.S. President Donald Trump’s subsequent air strikes on the Assad government. Mainstream media, independent media, and social media platforms are fixing fierce attention on the ongoing developments.