police state

Meanwhile, in Russia…

It’s going to be much harder to view the full web in Russia before the year is out. President Putin has signed a law that, as of November 1st, bans technology which lets you access banned websites, including virtual private networks and proxies. Internet providers will have to block websites hosting these tools. The measure is ostensibly meant to curb extremist content, but that’s just pretext — this is really about preventing Russians from seeing content that might be critical of Putin, not to mention communicating in secret.

Watch: Trump Just Gave a Speech Telling Cops America Needs MORE Police Brutality

“America is once again a nation of laws, says Trump, who just told cops to beat the shit out of people they arrest.”
(COMMONDREAMS) In a speech before law enforcement officials in Long Island, New York on Friday, President Donald Trump celebrated his administration’s crackdown on immigration and encouraged police officers to be “rough” with those they detain — a statement that was widely seen as an explicit call for police brutality.

Anti-Media Needs Your Help

In the age of information, it is said, ignorance is a choice. And that’s why we here at Anti-Media have made it our mission to bring hard-to-find information to the public despite risking our own freedom and safety to do so. But the “powers that be” don’t like us very much. Facebook’s notoriously biased algorithm is trying to crush our reach, the mainstream media slanders Anti-Media by calling us Russian operatives, and politicians call us “fake news.” Ad companies only want to work with “brand safe” websites — which means they don’t like us going after corporate America.

A Minneapolis Mayoral Candidate Wants to Strip the Police of Their Guns

(ANTIMEDIA)  Minneapolis, MN —Amid several high profile police brutality cases in Minneapolis, a mayoral candidate in the twin cities is advocating stripping the majority of police officers of guns in their routine patrols.
Local Fox affiliate KMSP reports that Raymond Dehn, currently a state representative, does not want to completely disarm the police, but rather, limit their free access to guns at all times.

Cops Serve Warrant at Wrong House, Kill Innocent Man and Shoot His Dog

(ANTIMEDIA) Southaven, MS — In a case that has witness accounts contradicting those of the authorities, a Mississippi man with no warrant out for his arrest was shot and killed over the weekend after officers went to the wrong address.
Forty-one-year-old Ismael Lopez, who was asleep in bed with his wife when cops arrived at his door to serve a warrant, was a former mechanic who had lived in his Southaven home for 13 years.

Meanwhile, in China…

In Xinjiang, China, citizens are being forced to install a targeted surveillance mobile app called Jingwang. Additionally, the government has set up random checkpoints on the streets to check whether the spyware is properly installed on your smartphone. On July 10th, mobile phone users in the region received a notification letting them know that they had 10 days to download and install the Jingwang spyware. Failure to install the app is punishable by up to 10 days imprisonment, according to the notice. According to the government, the spyware app has benign functions.