police state

Ohio Cop Shoots Journalist for Taking Photos of a Thunderstorm

(ANTIMEDIA) — A police officer in Clark County, Ohio, opened fire on a journalist Monday night after he mistook the reporter’s camera equipment for a weapon.
The incident occurred around 10 pm after Andy Grimm, a photographer for the New Carlisle News who was out photographing a thunderstorm — due to pass the small town about 20 miles north of Dayton — began setting up his camera and tripod at a local traffic stop.

Battlefield America: We’re Not In Mayberry Anymore

America, you’ve been fooled again. While the nation has been distracted by a media maelstrom dominated by news of white supremacists, Powerball jackpots, Hurricane Harvey, and a Mayweather v. McGregor fight, the American Police State has been carving its own path of devastation and destruction through what’s left of the Constitution.
We got sucker punched.