police state

What Everyone Is Forgetting About the NFL’s National Anthem Protests

(ANTIMEDIA) If you live in the United States, it’s likely you’ve heard about NFL players’ recent Colin Kaepernick-inspired protests during the National Anthem. It’s also likely you’ve engaged in debate surrounding the protests, inflamed over the weekend by President Trump’s remarks calling for players who protest the National Anthem to be fired.

3 Times Cops Posted About Weed Busts on FB This Week and Instantly Regretted It

(ANTIMEDIA) — Drug warrior cops are having a rough week on social media. Police departments have taken to Facebook and other platforms to boast about drug busts, and in turn, they’re receiving strong pushback from internet users, particularly when cannabis is concerned.
From North Carolina and Ohio to Indiana, Missouri, and Texas, cops have been taking a beating.

Cops Delete FB Post of Massive ‘Weed’ Bust After the Internet Corrects Them

(ANTIMEDIA) — Last week, officers from Missouri’s Jasper Police Department celebrated a marijuana bust they deemed worth roughly $100,000. In a now-deleted Facebook post, they disclosed their satisfaction with their operation, which took ten cops and sheriff’s deputies and a National Guard helicopter to conduct.
As the Riverfront Times noted (grabbing screenshots before the post was taken down):

Music has Charms to Aggravate, Incite, Distress and Soothe the Savage Breast

The effect of music on your temporal balance. Or perhaps your temporal imbalance? I'm enjoying delving into the subject! A selection of information worth sharing.Such as this ( reading through it)Musick has Charms to sooth a savage Breast,To soften Rocks, or bend a knotted Oak.I've read, that things inanimate have mov'd,And, as with living Souls, have been inform'd,By Magick Numbers and persuasive Sound.What then am I? Am I more senseless grownThan Trees, or Flint?