police state

The Cause of London’s Surge in Violence Is Obvious — but Nobody’s Talking About It

(ANTIMEDIA Op-ed) London, UK — As the United States continues to experience sensational mass shootings and many Americans call for gun control, the London is dealing with its own rash of violent crime, mostly in the form of knife attacks. Countless memes circulating on the internet have pointed out that despite the British government’s harsh gun laws, criminals […]

Parkland Students Epically Troll School Over New Security Measures

(ANTIMEDIA) — Following the Valentine’s Day shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, government institutions have moved to enact multiple measures intended to prevent further violence in schools. These measures have included adding more police officers and security, as well as enacting some firearms restrictions. One of the most unpopular measures, however, has […]

50 Years Ago MLK Warned of Racism, Materialism and Militarism -They Still Reign Supreme

In this difficult day, in this difficult time for the United States, it is perhaps well to ask what kind of a nation we are and what direction we want to move in. [Y]ou can be filled with bitterness, with hatred, and a desire for revenge. We can move in that direction as a country, in great polarization…filled with hatred toward one another.

Video: Police Search Man’s Anus and Genitals for Non-Existent Weed

(ANTIMEDIA) — New Jersey state troopers are facing a lawsuit after conducting an aggressive cavity search of a driver in Southampton in March of last year. Footage recorded by the officers’ body cameras shows the extent of the search, which the driver, Jack Levine, vocally opposed. The video was recently published after an open government advocate […]

Drug Dealer Death Penalty Could Apply to Legal Marijuana Growers

(TIM) Washington, D.C. – When Attorney General Jeff Sessions issued a memo to U.S. attorneys regarding seeking the death penalty for some drug traffickers, which was part of President Trump’s plan to combat the opioid epidemic released weeks ago, many pundits missed the potential implications for legal marijuana growers. The memo utilizes a little-known federal law that already allows for the death […]

Judge Rules Homeowner Allergic to Grass Has to Grow a Lawn Anyway

(TIM) St. Peters, MO – A federal judge ruled that Missouri homeowners Carl and Janice Duffner must follow a city ordinance mandating grass in their yard, despite one of the homeowners declaring an allergy to grass. U.S. District Judge John Ross issued a 17-page ruling, which stated that the Duffners can be forced to plant turf grass in their own yard and […]

Despite Gun Ban and Knife-Control, London Violence Surges Past New York City’s

(ANTIMEDIA) London, England — As the gun control debate rages on in the United States, the U.K. is experiencing its own spate of violence despite its restrictions on weaponry. The Independent reported this week that there have been 29 fatal knife attacks in London this year with even more injured, noting that “[i]f the bloodshed continues at the same rate, more […]

Behold: The Single Most Pathetic Weed “Bust” Cops Have Ever Bragged About on FB

(ANTIMEDIA) — Between mass shootings, trade wars, and geopolitical tensions, it’s important to find humor and lightness. One example of a positive development amid the chaos is Americans’ ever-evolving stance on cannabis as they continue to advocate tolerance over arrest and incarceration. Though legalization of the plant continues to spread, some parts of the country remain […]

Gun Control in America Has Always Been About Disarming Black People

(ANTIMEDIA) — Americans calling for gun control in 2018 often argue that a cursory glance at history proves there was never meant to be an unrestrained right to own firearms — that there were always meant to be restrictions on gun ownership. In at least one respect, they are correct: United States history shows there has […]