police abuse

WATCH: FBI Agents Seize Cameras from PINAC Reporter Citing “Safety” Issues

FBI agents in Texas ripped two cameras out of the hands of a PINAC reporter who was standing in front of a federal building legally recording from a public sidewalk Thursday, claiming they were in fear for their safety.
“I don’t want to be struck in the face,” said Keith A. Byers, an Assistant Special Agent in Charge for the El Paso FBI office at 660 South Mesa Hills Drive.
However, David Worden made no indication he would strike the agents in the face with his cameras.

WATCH: Texas Deputy Kills Unarmed Navy Vet; Sheriff Lies About “Gun Battle” That Never Took Place

A Texas deputy shot and killed an unarmed Navy veteran during a traffic stop, then the sheriff in charge  lied about it, saying the deputy and the man were engaged in a shootout where the deputy was fired upon first, prompting him to fire his weapon eight times.
But that never happened.
Dash cam video released this week shows not only was there no shootout, Lyle P. Blanchard, 59, didn’t even have a gun when he exited his vehicle – only to be struck by four of eight rounds fired by Bell County Sheriff’s Corporal Shane Geers in Harker Heights, Texas.

WATCH: Surveillance Video of Florida Cop Shooting Retired Librarian during “Shoot/Don’t Shoot” Training Exercise Released

The surveillance video showing Punta Gorda police officer Lee Coel shooting and killing a retired librarian during a “shoot/don’t shoot” citizen’s academy training exercise last year was obtained by a local television news station, showing the cop dressed in a hoodie and playing the role of a thug before pulling the trigger.

Ohio Cop Sexually Assaults Women with Sex Toy during Traffic Stop

East Cleveland police officer Kenneth Bolton Jr. had no reason to pull the women over because they had already been cited by another officer 30 minutes earlier.
But he probably heard they were attractive, both of them in their early 20s. And he may have even heard they had a sex toy in the back seat.
Cops tend to get off on these things, so word spreads fast.
The 16-year police veteran then used the sex toy to grope both women between their legs during the February 23 traffic stop.
Now he is not only out of a job, but is facing ten years in prison.

Texas Cops Shoot Man Multiple Times, Lie About it, then Refuse to Allow Family to Visit him in Hospital

Four Texas cops shot a man multiple times initially reporting it was necessary to shoot him so many times because he fired a gun at them.
But three days after the April 7 shooting, Austin police issued a contrary report stating three of the officers were only following the lead of the first officer who erroneously began shooting rounds at the man claiming he pointed a gun at him.
Turns out, Lawrence Parrish never shot a gun and maybe did not even have a gun.

WATCH: Las Vegas Cops Arrest Journalist for Recording on Sidewalk

Las Vegas police arrested a journalist Saturday who was video recording a protest against President Donald Trump, demanding that he release his tax forms.
Police say KLAS news videographer Nebyou Solomon was arrested for trespassing and obstructing because he was standing on the private property of the Fashion Show Mall, refusing to leave when ordered to do so, then refusing to identify himself.

WATCH: Florida Mom Outraged After 10-Year-Old Autistic Son Arrested at School Trying to Take Test

A 10-year-old autistic Florida boy who had been expelled from school last year returned to the same school last week after receiving an invitation to take a standard assessment test.
But he was promptly arrested for a warrant neither he or his mother were aware even existed.
His mother, Luanne Haygood, recorded the arrest on Wednesday, informing the Okeechobee County sheriff’s deputies that her son is on the autism spectrum.

South Dakota CPS Force Catheter into 3-year-old Boy’s Penis in Search of Illegal Drugs

The American Civil Liberties Union sent a letter to the Department of Social Services in South Dakota last week demanding they stop catheterizing children in order to conduct warrantless drug tests, carried out by the department with the assistance of police and hospital staff.
They’re also requesting the department’s written policy regarding the catheterization and searches of children.

Two Georgia Cops Fired – Including an “Officer of the Month” – After Videos Surface Showing them Beating, Stomping Man

Two Georgia cops were fired Thursday after videos surfaced showing them punching and stomping on the head of an unarmed non-resisting man.
But they should also be criminally charged, so let’s see how that pans out.
From the looks of it, it is something the two Gwinnett County police officers have been doing on a regular basis.
This time, it just happened to be caught on camera by a pair of witness, which is why the cops are also under criminal investigation.

WATCH: Dash Cam Shows Man was not Jaywalking when Beaten by Sacramento Cop

Sacramento police released the dash cam video showing the cop stop a man for jaywalking, then proceeding to choke and beat him when the man did not lie flat on the ground to receive his summons.
Or maybe the cop planned to jail him for jaywalking.
Or more likely, the cop just planned to arrest him for the timeworn crime of Walking While Black.