police abuse

New Hampshire Man Beats Wiretapping Charges After Recording Cops Who Raided His Home

Despite coming up with a novel argument to justify wiretapping charges against Alfredo Valentin, the New Hampshire man arrested in March for recording police as they searched his home, prosecutors were smacked down by a judge in a ruling issued last Wednesday.
“They tried to take the language from Massachusetts law, and they kind of tried to sneak it into New Hampshire law,” said Brandon Ross, Valentin’s attorney.

NYPD Cop Body Slams and Pepper Sprays Skateboarder for Ignoring Him

Once again, it appears as if yet another New York City police officer lost control of his emotions, resorting to violence to make an arrest.
This time, the suspect was a 22-year-old skateboarder named Yibin Mu, who was placed in a headlock and body slammed – then pepper sprayed – for skateboarding inside Columbus Circle, a traffic circle near Central Park in Manhattan.

South Carolina Cop Will Not Face Charges for Zachary Hammond killing; Dashcam Video Released

The South Carolina cop who shot and killed Zachary Hammond, claiming the 19-year-old man was trying to run him over, making him fear for his life, will not face criminal charges, a judge announced Tuesday.
But the dashcam video, released today, shows Seneca Police Lieutenant Mark Tiller could have easily avoided killing Hammond.
After all, Hammond’s only alleged crime was that he was driving a female friend to a Hardee’s parking lot to sell marijuana to a man who turned out to be an undercover cop.

South Carolina Deputy Ben Fields Attacks High School Student in Class for Being “Verbally Disruptive”

A South Carolina sheriff’s deputy was caught on video yanking a female student from her desk by her neck and throwing her on the floor, dragging her several feet before pouncing on her, telling her to “put your hands behind your back.”
All because the girl was being “verbally disruptive.”
Another student who recorded the arrest was also arrested.

Denver Cops Arrest Man who Exposed them Beating Man on Video While Promoting Cop who did the Beating

By Carlos Miller | PINAC | December 14, 2014 A man who video recorded Denver police repeatedly punching a man in the face, causing his head to bounce off the pavement, before tripping his pregnant wife and causing her to fall on her face – sparking an FBI investigation into the department – was arrested […]