police abuse

Illinois Student Sues Campus Police Over Attack for Smoking Outside Caught on Video

College of DuPage student Jaclyn Pazera was on campus to hit the books and learn; but in a catastrophic turn of events, she was instead booked into the county jail on charges of trespassing, obstructing and resisting.
Now, she has filed a lawsuit against the Illinois college’s campus police, citing excessive force and civil rights violations. The campus police fall under the jurisdiction of the college. Reports show that Pazera’s wrists and shoulders were injured during her arrest.

Pennsylvania Jury Foreman Explains Why He Acquitted Killer Cop

You would think the body cam footage showing a Pennsylvania police officer repeatedly tasering a convulsing man while yelling at him to stop moving – then shooting him dead when he was unable to stop moving due to the 50,000 volts of electricity ripping through his body – would have been sufficient evidence to convict Hummelstown police officer Lisa Mearkle of murder last week.

Alabama Cops Attack Students With Batons and Tasers Over Noise Complaint

Responding to a noise complaint, Alabama police entered an apartment filled with college students early Sunday morning and began pulling them out, striking them with batons and shooting them with tasers in a chaotic scene that did nothing to reduce the noise level.
At least two videos are now making the rounds on social media, one recorded from inside the apartment, another from outside.
The video recorded from inside the apartment begins with a cop holding on to a student’s wrist, trying to pull him outside while the students asks him to let go.

Two Louisiana Cops Arrested on Murder Charges for Death of Six-Year-Old Boy

Two Louisiana cops were arrested Friday on murder charges for the shooting death of six-year-old Jeremy Mardis, the youngest police shooting victim of the year so far.
Marksville city marshals Lt. Derrick Stafford and  Norris Greenhouse Jr. killed the boy while trying to shoot his father after a police pursuit Tuesday night. They already have several pending lawsuits against them.

Austin Police Beat Up Men for Jaywalking in Texas (Updated)

Two men had just crossed the street when they were rushed by several Austin police officers who shoved them against a wall, punching and kneeing them while telling them to stop resisting.
When asked what crime had the men committed, one of the cops looked up and said, “crossed against the light.”
Yes, that heinous crime of jaywalking, which is taken very serious in Austin as we learned last year when the city made international news after police beat up a jogger for jaywalking.

Pennsylvania Cop Who Killed Man by Shooting Him in Back While Tasering Him Acquitted

Panicked that he was reaching for a gun, a Pennsylvania cop repeatedly tasered a man as he lay facedown in the snow, sending him into convulsions while yelling at him to stop moving.
When the man would not stop convulsing, Hummelstown police officer Lisa Mearkle shot him twice in the back, killing him.
Earlier today, a jury acquitted the 37-year-old police officer after viewing her body cam footage of the February 2, 2015 incident.
The video shows a complete overreaction on her part as there was no indication David Kassick even had a gun.

Galveston Police Arrest PINAC Correspondent for Recording Officer Memorial (Updated III)

PINAC correspondent Phillip Turner was arrested Wednesday night for video recording a Fallen Officer memorial in front of the Galveston Police Department in Texas.
The arrest was captured by his friend, Dave, who was not arrested, even though he stood about 40 feet away recording the arrest.
The cops apparently did not realize the two were together, even though they both were carrying cameras.

Dash Cam Proves Alabama Cop Lied When He Shot Man Claiming Man Pointed Gun at Him

Officer Daniel Aguirre of the Birmingham Police Department in Alabama shot a man twice last year, claiming that the suspect pointed a gun at him.
Now newly released dash cam footage refutes that claim.
In fact, authorities refused to release the video for more than a year. It was obtained by AL.com through a confidential source.
Aguirre shot Aubrey Williams after a robbery of a Wells Fargo ATM on April 24, 2014.

Illinois Cop’s Death Ruled Suicide After Two Months of Avoidance Investigation

After two months of silence, mystery and insinuations about the shooting death of Fox Lake Police Lt. Charles Joseph Gliniewicz, investigators have confirmed the Illinois cop died of a self-inflicted gun wound.
Suicide rather than homicide, the latter which is what the Lake County Sheriff’s Office was trying to push, even though it kept getting more and more obvious as time went by that there was nobody else involved in the shooting.

High-Ranking FBI Agent Convicted of Assault on Teen Nearly Faints in Court After Verdict

Proving to be unstable, combative and petty, an FBI agent interjected himself in a family custodial dispute on behalf of his girlfriend and her estranged husband, who was two hours late in dropping off their baby.
But FBI Agent Gerald Rogero’s intrusive attempts at heroism led to him assaulting and threatening to shoot the 15-year-old son of the estranged husband’s girlfriend.
He then threatened the teen’s mother with arrest when she tried to intervene.