police abuse

Grand Jury in Tamir Rice Case Never Actually Voted Not to Indict Cleveland Cops

Grand juries have the power to indict people on criminal charges, so it is no laughing matter when they fail to take a vote on the charges at hand.
That, after all, is the whole point of a grand jury.
But in a huge lapse of justice, the grand jury in the Tamir Rice case failed to vote on the charges against Cleveland police officers Timothy Loehmann and Frank Garmback.
Yet even without a vote, the officers walked away free without an indictment.

New Mexico State Police Taser Non-Combative 74-Year-Old Man, Who Falls to Ground Clutching His Chest, Dying a Week Later

New Mexico state police chased a 74-year-old man driving on the wrong side of the interstate earlier this month, forcing him out his van at gunpoint and tasering him, causing him to fall to the ground clutching his chest.
Roger Chalet died a week later.
Luna County sheriff’s deputies say he died of natural causes.

Award-Winning Ohio Cop With History of Domestic Violence Charged with Stalking, Abducting Wife of Fellow Trooper

An award-winning lieutenant of the Ohio State Highway Patrol was arrested Sunday for allegedly stalking the wife of a fellow colleague.
William Elschlager, Ohio State Highway Patrol Marietta Post Leader, was charged with one charge of menacing by stalking – a fourth degree felony in that state. He was also charged with one count of abduction – a third degree felony in Ohio, according to WTAP.

San Francisco Police Beat Man for Using Navigation App on Phone While Riding Bike to Deliver Burrito

San Francisco police beat and pepper sprayed a man riding a bicycle, accusing him of texting while riding.
But Donovan Reid said he was only using a navigation app while trying to deliver a burrito for a company called Postmates.
It does not appear as if the burrito ever got delivered because Reid ended up hospitalized.
The incident took place on January 3, but it was only in the last few days that local media began reporting on it.
Reid started recording the traffic stop, but told local media that the cop ordered him to stop.

Denver Cops Shoot Man in Stolen Car, Killing Him, Later Learning Car Was Not Stolen

Denver police shot and killed a man on Monday, telling the media that he was sitting in a stolen car and stepped out brandishing a gun.
Cops fired multiple times, killing Ramone Lonergan, 32, who was listed in the media as the first police shooting fatality of 2016.
Then, days later, Lonegran’s girlfriend came forward and said he had been driving her car and that it was not reported stolen. She also said he was not  involved in any fraud of any kind.

Pennsylvania Town Pays Murdering Cop $120,000 to Go Away

The Pennsylvania cop who shot a man in the back while repeatedly tasering him over an expired inspection sticker, capturing it all on her body cam, only for her to get acquitted last year before vowing to return to the department to continue patrolling the streets, has resigned.
But only because the borough of Hummelstown agreed to pay Lisa Mearkle $120,000.
That’s the price a community of just over 4,500 people has to pay to get rid of the hysterical murdering cop.

Alabama Cop Acquitted of Excessive Force That Left Indian Man Paralyzed

Madison police officer Eric Parker has escaped the hands of justice for a third time.
This time, U.S.District Judge Madeline Haikala granted an acquittal motion by the Alabama cop’s attorneys. Hence, ending the federal civil trial for Parker permanently.
However, Parker, who has been on paid suspension since last year, challenging the department’s decision to fire him, is still facing a misdemeanor assault charge for the incident as well as a civil suit from the victim’s family.

Maryland Law Enforcement Officers Caught on Camera Choking, Beating Man (Updated)

Maryland law enforcement officers were captured on surveillance video chasing a man into a store and beating him over an apparent small amount of heroin.
The video was sent to Cop Block from a source saying the officers were from the Frederick County Sheriff’s Office.
But the patches they are wearing appear to match Maryland State Police more than the sheriff’s office. However, Maryland State Police tend to wear long-sleeve uniforms and these officers are wearing short sleeves.