police abuse

Claiming it was Consensual, NYPD Cops Arrested her for Weed, Forced her to Strip, Handcuffed her, then Raped her

Two NYPD cops arrested an 18-year-old woman for smoking marijuana, forcing her to undress to search for more drugs, then handcuffing her and ordering her into a van where one cop raped her and both cops forced her into performing oral sex on them.
The woman filed a complaint but the cops claim it was consensual, which is basically admitting they raped her because there can be no legal consent between a handcuffed woman and men with guns and badges.

Oklahoma Cops Taser Deaf and Mentally Disabled Man, then Shoot him to Death

Oklahoma cops fatally shot a developmentally disabled and deaf man who was 15 ft. away from them after he failed to comply with officers’ commands Tuesday night.
Magdiel Sanchez, 35, was Tasered before he was shot dead by Oklahoma City cops. Lt. Matthew Lindsey and Sgt. Christopher Barnes after they claim he moved towards them with a metal pipe.
Neighbors said Sanchez commonly carried a pipe due to stray dogs in the area.
Neighbors say Magdiel Sanchez, 35, who was deaf and mentally challenged commonly carried a stick or pipe due to stray dogs in the area.

WATCH: Pittsburgh Cops Brutally Beat Man Trying to Help Them

A man who was trying to help Pittsburgh police make an arrest ended up brutally beaten, tasered and arrested himself.
And it was all caught on video.
Police claimed Daniel T. Adelman “took a fighting stance,” which is common police lingo used to justify beatdowns, even if the person had no intention of fighting cops.
And the video recorded by a witness does not show what took place before the beatdown, but it shows five police officers beating the man with one of them repeatedly punching him, then grabbing him by the head and bashing it on the asphalt.

WATCH: PINAC Correspondent Kicked Out of Free Speech Rally in Oregon

PINAC correspondent Mike Smith attended a free speech rally in Portland only to be physically thrown out by police.
Smith was at the Patriot Prayer rally at the waterfront last Sunday, which is a popular place in the Oregon city for events and protests. There were several other groups counterprotesting the Patriot Prayer group which is why police were there to keep the peace.

Street Vendor Raises $60,000 After Viral Video Showing California Cop Taking his $60 in Cash for Selling Hot Dogs without Permit

A hot dog vendor seen in a viral video this weekend having $60 in cash seized by a California cop for trying to make some extra money selling hot dogs is getting support from online donors who’ve now contributed to over $60,000 to crowdfunding efforts set up on his behalf.
A petition to fire University of California police officer S. Aranas badge #76 has received over 33,000 signatures.

WATCH: Undercover Minnesota Cop tells Photographer, “I Work for St. Paul Police, B***h! I’m Gonna Slap you Down!”

An undercover Minnesota cop was caught on camera threatening a man and shoving his camera into his face when asked for his badge number after he and his partner mistook him for a vulnerable missing person.
“911,” officer Benny Williams told 36-year-old St. Paul resident Andrew Casey before physically confronting him.
“I work for St. Paul police, bitch,” Williams added.
Williams also threatened to tow Casey’s legally parked car for recording him, and spat on him.

WATCH: $1.25 Million Settlement For Body Slam Caught on Video Surveillance System

March 3, 2007 at the La Fonda Resturant in Yonkers, New York, Irma Marquez suffered injuries when Yonkers police officer Wayne Simoes picked her up in a restaurant and appeared to slam her face-first into the restaurant’s floor.
As reported by News 12 :
“A decade after the incident, the city, and the victim have agreed to settle a related lawsuit.

WATCH: Las Vegas Police Shoot Unarmed Naked Man in the Back

Las Vegas, Nevada Police shot an unarmed naked man in the back as he ran away from them as reported by to The Las Vegas Review Journal 
“Police said Jason David Funke, 25, initially complied with officer commands to drop his gun and raise his hands after they responded about 11 a.m. Saturday to Life Springs Christian Church, 2075 E. Warm Springs Road.

CAUGHT ON VIDEO: Maryland Cop Attempts to Steal Phone From Citizen Recording Him, Now Suspended

Anne Arundel County Police Officer Scott Wolford was called to assist citizens with a dispute, instead, he had an issue with his activities being documented, tried to snatch a cell phone and is now suspended.  All this happened in Severn area of unincorporated Anne Arundel County, Maryland on Saturday, August 5, 2017,  after having a dispute with a customer Elias Crespo Tejada and his co-worker requested assistance from the police.