police abuse

Award-Winning Texas Cop Indicted for Unlawfully Searching PINAC Correspondent’s Car While He Was Incarcerated for Recording

The Texas cop who unlawfully searched the car of a PINAC correspondent while he was incarcerated for recording a police memorial last year was indicted on a misdemeanor criminal trespass charge Thursday.
Galveston Police Sergeant Archie Chapman faces up to 180 days in jail and a $2,000 fine, according to the Houston Chronicle.

Rookie Federal Judge in Pennsylvania Rules Citizens Do Not Have First Amendment Right to Record Police

In an embarrassing Constitutional setback for the American judicial system, a federal judge in Pennsylvania ruled on Friday that citizens do not have the First Amendment right to record police in public.
That is, unless those citizens are telling the cops to go fuck themselves.
Then it’s protected speech.
That’s the twisted logic coming from Judge Mark A. Kearney, a federal judge for the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, who’s been on the bench a little more than a year.

Ohio Cop On Trial For Raping Drunk 16-Year-Old Girl Claims She Forced Him to Have Sex with Her

Former Lima Police Department Officer Justin Bentz is currently on trial this week, accused of raping a 16-year-old girl while she was drunk off 80-proof alcohol he gave her.
Bentz admits to the sex, but claims she pursued him so strongly that he eventually gave in to her demands.
But toxicologists say the 5-foot, 2-inch girl who weighed less than 100 pounds was so drunk, she could barely walk.
She was found by her sister in a closet wearing only a tank top, curled up in the fetal position.

LAPD Cops Facing Life Sentence for Multiple Rape Charges Six Years After Complaint Filed

LAPD officers James Christopher Nichols and Luis Gustavo Valenzuela were charged today with rape under color of authority for their acts on the job over a course of years from 2008 to 2011 by the Los Angeles County district attorney.
But that wasn’t all.
The pair of Hollywood narcotics detectives were charged with forcible rape, and oral copulation under color of authority for using their badges to manipulate women who were informants or suspects into performing sexual acts with the cops, while they were on paid duty.

North Carolina Police Department Sued for Probing Man’s Anus for Non-Existing Drugs

After forcing a man to strip naked in a cheap motel room, the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department is being sued for compensatory and punitive damages under state and federal law. No dollar amount has been set.
Two men have filed a lawsuit against Charlotte police, claiming police assaulted and kidnapped them while violating their civil rights by subjecting them to illegal searches in April 2014 at a west Charlotte motel.

Florida Grandmother Fights Back Against False Arrest and Abuse

Little did Florida senior citizen Rosemary Brackett suspect that a simple trip to the post office to pick up medicine for her disabled son back in June 2013 would end with her arrest and humiliation.
As the 76-year-old woman drove to the Homestead Post Office in the southern tip of Miami-Dade County and began to turn into the parking lot, a car exiting was blocking her entrance.
She began to back up to avoid a collision and allow the other driver to exit.