police abuse

Oklahoma Cop Claims she was Justified in Killing Terence Crutcher Because she went “Temporarily Deaf”

In the wake of the Terence Crutcher police shooting, we’ve all been waiting to see what excuse Tulsa police officer Betty Shelby would settle on to justify the killing.
First, she claimed he was reaching into an open window, making her fear for her life, but the helicopter video showed the window to have been rolled up.

WATCH: North Carolina Cops Brutally Arrest Man for Sitting on Mother’s Porch

Responding to a call of a possible burglary in progress, North Carolina police encountered a man sitting on the front porch of a home, who told them he lived in the house with his mother, only he did not have the key to get inside.
The two Greensboro cops asked Dejuan Yourse a series of questions, then checked out his identification, but were still not satisfied that he lived there.

WATCH: Louisiana Cops Shoot into Car, Killing 6-Year-Old Jeremy Mardis

Body cam footage showing Louisiana cops shooting into a car and killing a 6-year-old boy sitting in the passenger seat of his father’s car was released earlier today, showing no evidence that the cops were in fear for their lives as they have been claiming since last year.
After all, not only does the video not show Christopher Few using his car as a weapon by ramming his car into their cars.
His car is not even pointed in their direction.

Houston Cop Caught on Video Beating Homeless Man Allowed to Resign Instead of Fired

A Houston transit cop who was caught on surveillance video unmercifully beating a homeless man with his baton over a dozen times wasn’t fired, even after an investigation determined he used excessive force.
Instead, Jarius Warren submitted his resignation letter as if leaving on the best of terms after he was told an internal review board was moving to fire him.
Jairus Warren quit after learning his department had decided to fire him.
“The board recommended termination of the officer,” Metro Police Chief Vera Bumpers stated.

California Cop Involved in Alfred Olango Shooting Death is Serial Dick Texter who Should have been Fired

One of the El Cajon cops involved in Tuesday’s shooting death of an unarmed mentally ill man is renowned for texting photos of his genitals to female colleagues, resulting in a settlement with a fellow cop last year, according to a San Diego news station.
But that did not stop Richard Gonsalves from continuing the harassment against the officer who sued him, prompting her to file a second lawsuit against the officer last month.

Washington D.C. Cop Kills Unarmed Motorcyclist, then Remembers to Turn on Body Cam (Updated)

Washington D.C. police claim they shot and killed Terrence Sterling after he drove his motorcycle into a patrol car as an officer was stepping out, making him fear for his life.
But witnesses say the officer shot and killed Sterling from inside his car with the window rolled down after Sterling had crashed his bike into the car.
Brian Trainer, the Metropolitan police officer who killed him, was wearing a body camera, so that should put the debate to rest.
If only he had turned it on.

California Cops Shoot Unarmed Man, then Confiscate Phones from Witnesses who Recorded Incident (Updated II)

California cops responded to a call of a man acting “erratically” Tuesday, only for him not to “comply,” which was when they shot him several times.
Alfred Olango
Witnesses say El Cajon police then confiscated phones from citizens who recorded the incident, a claim they later denied, insisting the citizens voluntarily gave them the phones.
The man has been identified as Alfred Olango and he was unarmed and apparently having a seizure, which was when his sister called police for help, according to witnesses.

South Florida Cops Ordered to Pay $6.2 Million for Rape and Coerced Punching of Genitals On-Duty

One South Florida cop forced a woman to perform oral sex on him before raping her on the hood of his car under threat of arrest.
The second cop ordered the woman’s female friend to punch him in the genitals, which is what got him off.
Now Franklin Hartley and Thomas Merenda, who have since by fired from the Lauderhill Police Department, have to pay the women $6.2 million after a federal judge ruled against them in a civil trial last week.