police abuse

Texas Deputies Taser Woman in Wheelchair for Recording

Harris County sheriff’s sheriff deputies tasered a woman in a wheelchair, and again while she was on the ground handcuffed.
All because she was video recording them.
The incident at the Valero gas station on Northborough Drive in northwest Houston Nov. 16, was caught on surveillance cameras and Internal Affairs is now investigating.
Investigators will look into whether any policies were violated by sheriff’s deputies when they tasered the woman.

Houston Cop Sued for Unprovoked Beating of Handcuffed Inmate Caught on Video

A Houston cop beat an inmate as he was booking him into Houston City Jail. Surveillance cameras captured the beating but the officer received only a slap on the wrist.
Now the victim, who ended up with a permanent scar on his forehead, is suing the Houston Police Department.
Rueben Williams, who filed the lawsuit this week, was arrested on a DUI charge back on November 2014 by Officer S. Corral, who then beat him on his way to a holding cell.

Missouri Pays $9 Million Settlement to Family of Brandon Ellingson, Man who Drowned while Handcuffed in Custody of Police

The family of a man who fell off a police boat while handcuffed and allowed to drown by the Missouri state trooper operating the boat will receive a $9 million settlement, attorneys announced Thursday.
And there is still a chance the cop will be convicted of involuntary manslaughter in the death of Brandon Ellingson, a 20-year-old college student from Iowa who had been arrested for boating while intoxicated.

Santa Ana Pays $100,000 Settlement for Dispensary Raid where Cops Dismantled Cameras and Consumed Cannabis

They were so sure of themselves, these California cops who raided a marijuana dispensary last year, terrorizing customers while wearing masks, forcing them to the floor at gunpoint, then disabling surveillance cameras inside the shop to ensure their crime went unnoticed.
But the Santa Ana cops failed to remove a hidden camera, which caught them eating marijuana-laced snacks while mocking a handicapped woman.

Award-Winning New York Sheriff Refuses to Provide Details on Two Recent Inmate Deaths While Being Sued for Third Death

Nobody at the Broome County Jail in New York is saying much about the two inmates who have died in less than a month.
In fact, the local district attorney’s office said it was not even aware of the latest death this week until contacted by the media.
And even then, Broome County District Attorney’s Chief Investigator Jason T. Ellis didn’t seem to really care.

Award-Winning Wisconsin Cop Charged with Shooting Man in Back

An award-winning Wisconsin police officer was charged with aggravated battery last week for shooting an unarmed man in the back as he lay facedown on the ground.
Brown Deer police officer Devon Kraemer claimed she shot the man “because she feared for her safety and that of her partner,” according to the complaint filed Friday, which was obtained by the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel.
But prosecutors did not buy that story.

Leaked Audio: Austin Police Chief Threatens to Fire Commanders who don’t keep Officers from Abusing Citizens

“If your heart isn’t in this job, either step down or step out,” Austin Police Chief Hubert “Art” Acevedo said to his top brass during a private meeting on August 10 where he expressed his anger over the way his cops treat minorities, urging his commanders to push new community-friendly styles of policing to their officers – or lose their jobs.

Philadelphia Cops Threaten to Seize Man’s Phone for Recording them Arresting Other Men

Philadelphia cops were arresting two men on a darkened street for disorderly conduct aka “contempt of cop” when one of the men being arrested called out to a passing bicyclist, asking him to record the interaction.
The cyclist, Jean-Jacques Gabriel, wasted no time in stopping his bike, pulling out his smart phone and video recording on Facebook Live.
The cops then began harassing him with their usual bullying routine; accusing him of obstructing traffic, even though Gabriel was standing across the street on his bicycle in a bike lane.