police abuse

Florida Deputy Befriends Elderly Woman, Prays with Her, then Tries to Kill Her

The Florida deputy met the elderly lady back in October when she called the Sarasota County Sheriff’s Office for help.
Sarasota sheriff’s deputy Frankie Eugene Bybee, 46, transported her to the hospital and prayed with the 79-year-old woman, gaining her trust and confidence.
He also agreed to care for her Yorkshire in exchange for $1,000, even texting her a photo of himself with the dog to show that it was safe.
But then it appears he sold the dog on Craig’s List.

Oklahoma Cops Threaten to Arrest Widow of Police Abuse Victim After She Calls Them “Pigs” on Facebook Live Video

Nair Rodriguez  recorded five Oklahoma police officers killing her husband in a movie theatre parking lot in 2014 before they confiscated her camera.
Now those same cops are trying to get her charged with “inciting violence” after she called them “pigs” in a Facebook Live video.
The five Moore police officers claim the video made them fear for their lives.

Wisconsin Sheriff David Clarke Detains Man for Looking at Him the Wrong Way on Airplane

Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke had a man detained for looking at him the wrong way on an airplane Sunday.  Or for mocking him over a football game.
Or, if you believe the sheriff, for making him fear for his life.
“Next time he or anyone else pulls this stunt on a plane they may get knocked out,” the sheriff said in a statement. “I do not have to wait for some goof to assault me.”

Award-Winning St. Louis Cop Sued for Searching Woman’s Vagina for Drugs During Routine Traffic Stop

St. Louis police pulled a car over for making a U-turn, forcing a passenger out of the car, handcuffing her, then pulling her pants and underwear down as an officer probed her vagina for drugs with gloved fingers.
No drugs were found inside Kayla Robinson’s vagina, but she was still arrested on two counts of drug possession because she had already handed them a bag of weed.
But Detective Angela Hawkins believed Robinson had crack cocaine that she was not handing over. And the award-winning officer was sure the crack was hidden inside her vagina.

Illinois Cops Beating Black Man for Driving Own Car Highlights Larger Racial Profiling Issue

The white woman was trying to be a good samaritan when she called police on a black man entering his car and driving away in a suburban Chicago town, thinking he had stolen it.
But Lawrence Crosby owned the Chevrolet and figured he would drive to a local police station in Evanston to prove it after realizing the woman was following him.
The 25-year-old engineering doctorate student from Northwestern University was accustomed to being profiled because of his race as he revealed in a phone conversation with a friend recorded by his dash cam that evening on October 10, 2015.

WATCH: NYPD Settles Lawsuit in Teenage Brutality Case Where Witness was Pepper Sprayed for Recording

NYPD cops brutally beat 19-year-old Jateik Reed for resisting arrest and carrying drugs in 2012. Drugs were never found and the case was dismissed in court. Reed then filed a civil rights lawsuit against the city.
Now New York City has settled the lawsuit with Reed, who is now 24, for the amount of $614,500, his lawyers announced earlier this month.

Missouri Cop Sentenced to Seven Years in Prison for Abusing Boy Will Serve Only 60 Days

A Missouri cop was handed a promotion in March 2015, less than a month after losing his temper and throwing a four-year-old boy against the wall, slamming his head into a cabinet.
Leadwood Police Sergeant Jay R. Bellis also admitted to pulling the boy’s ears, causing them to bleed, because the boy had misbehaved at daycare.
Bellis’ promotion was short-lived, however, as he was arrested on felony child endangerment charges three weeks later, which led to his resignation.

WATCH: Texas Cop Shoots Man in Back, Falsely Claiming his Life was in Danger

It was a hot summer night in July and Texas cops were looking for two shirtless black men who had just committed a robbery when they came across a shirtless black man two blocks away, shooting him in the back and leaving him paralyzed.
David Collie was not the man they were looking for, but the Fort Worth police officer shot him anyway, claiming Collie had turned toward them with an object in his hand, making them fear for their lives.
The object, they claimed in their reports, was a box cutter, which they say was found 10 feet from Collie after he was shot.

NYPD Cops Raid Wrong Home, Posting Photo of Handcuffed Family to Snapchat (Updated)

New York City cops raided a family’s home in Brooklyn at the break of dawn Thursday, handcuffing every family member while searching the apartment unit for three hours before realizing they had the wrong home and leaving.
Next thing the family knew, a photo showing them handcuffed while sitting on the couch appeared on Snapchat with the caption, “Merry Christmas it’s NYPD!”.
Another photo also appeared on Snapchat with the caption “Warrant sweeps Its still a party smh.”

WATCH: Texas Cop Assaults and Arrests Mom and Daughter who Called Police on Neighbor who Assaulted Son

A Texas cop lost his head after the woman who called him for help told him her neighbor did not have the right to grab and choke her seven-year-old son.
Even if the kid did litter as the man claimed.
“Why not?” responded the Fort Worth cop who has yet to be identified.
The video from the ordeal had over 200,000 views on Facebook before Craig and her daughter were even released from jail. They have already spoken with police about the incident with their attorney, Lee Merritt, present.