
CovertAction Bulletin: Students Lead the Way for Palestine

On November 26, three young Palestinian men were shot in Burlington, Vermont. Hisham Awartani, a junior at Brown University, released a statement that was read at a campus vigil saying, “This hideous crime did not happen in a vacuum. As much as I appreciate the love of every single one of you here today, I am but one casualty in a much wider conflict.” ...

Nick Dixon and Toby Young Talk About the ‘Far Right’ Unrest in Dublin, Geert Wilders Winning in the Netherlands and Tommy Robinson Getting Arrested at the March Against Antisemitism

In the latest Weekly Sceptic podcast the talking points are the 'far Right' unrest in Dublin, Geert Wilders winning in the Netherlands and Tommy Robinson getting arrested at the march against antisemitism.

Episode 454 - JFK: From Mongoose to Gladio

[iframe src="https://rumble.com/embed/v3twk6p/?pub=1h5b6y/" width="90%" height="320" allow="fullscreen"]
We all know what happened on 11/22/63. But what about what happened on 11/22/90? And what connects these two events? And what does Seven Days in May have to do with it? Join James Corbett for a special presentation to the JFK Lancer conference on "JFK: From Mongoose to Gladio."

CovertAction Bulletin: Media Lies, Palestinians Die

Malcolm X might have said it best: “The press is so powerful in its image-making role, it can make the criminal look like he’s the victim and make the victim look like he’s the criminal. This is the press, an irresponsible press. It will make the criminal look like he’s the victim and make the victim look like he’s the criminal. If you aren’t careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed and loving the people who are doing the oppressing”...

CovertAction Bulletin: Building Social Media Inspired by Openness & Transparency

While most social media platforms spy on us, manipulate our emotions with hidden algorithms, feed our data to governments on request and censor with no notice or transparency, can there be an alternative that’s friendly for everyone to use? We talk with John Kiriakou and Sean O’Brien about Pancake, a new messaging technology being built to address that question...

Nick Dixon and Toby Young Talk About Tommy Robinson’s Return to Twitter, the Pro-Palestinian Protests Planned for Armistice Weekend and Keir Starmer’s Disappearing Poppy

In the latest Weekly Sceptic podcast the talking points are Tommy Robinson's return to Twitter, the pro-Palestinian Armistice Day protests and Keir Starmer's missing poppy as he promotes Islamophobia Awareness Month.

Palestine Action On Trial, with Huda Amori

Lowkey catches up with Palestine Action founder Huda Ammori to discuss the revelations in The Guardian of Israeli Embassy intervention in Palestine Action court cases. They also examine Huda's upcoming court case and the possibility of going to prison for shutting down the Israeli war machine in Britain.
The post Palestine Action On Trial, with Huda Amori appeared first on MintPress News.

CovertAction Bulletin: Largest Pro-Palestine Protest in U.S. History

November 4th has been declared an International Day of Solidarity with Palestine. Over 100 demonstrations will take place that day around the world in solidarity with Palestine, from Johannesburg to São Paulo, Berlin to Kuala Lampur, Athens to Algiers...
The post CovertAction Bulletin: Largest Pro-Palestine Protest in U.S. History first appeared on CovertAction Magazine.