Planet Denny Hastert

The Hastert Case Isn't Just About Him Raping A Handful Of Underage Boys-- Is It Bigger Than Watergate?

On the day the House was bidding a fond adieu to one corrupt Speaker, the corrupt Republican who played Speaker before Boehner, Denny Hastert, pleaded guilty to one carefully constructed charge of "structuring," evading reporting requirements in connection to a multimillion dollar blackmail scheme.

The Latest Denny Hastert Cover-Up-- And How That Undermines Law And Order

I guess I sound especially bloodthirsty the way I always advocate ultra-harsh sentences for politicians caught breaking the law. There's a reason for that, of course. Someone given a position of trust who abuses it should, of course, be held to a high standard. But there's more. History shows that if a politician gets away from criminal behavior, it encourages other politicians to give it a try.

Former GOP Speaker Denny Hastert Was No Petty Criminal-- He Was A One-Man Major Crime Wave

John Laesch was one of the sharpest, most fearless and most dedicated congressional candidates Blue America ever got behind. John ran against powerful, unassailable Speaker of the House Denny Hastert in 2006 and again in 2008 (although Hastert was forced to resign from Congress as the campaign season started heating up).

After Bibi: Maybe the solution to the Boehner Problem is to consider whether we really, absolutely need a House speaker

Plus some thoughtier thoughts than Bibi's on IranOkay, I admit I fell crazy mad in love with this "manufactured" image when our colleague Gaius Publius shared it in his pre-speech post yesterday, and I would likely have taken advantage of any remotely contrivable opportunity to recycle it.