
Porkins Policy Radio episode 125 North Korea Anthrax Propaganda with Robbie Martin

Robbie Martin joins us for an in-depth look into the most recent saber rattling between the US and North Korea. We start off by talking about the general hysterical political rhetoric that we see here in the US. Robbie and I touch on the size of Trump’s nuclear button as an example. Next Robbie and I explore the strange stories that emerged just before the new year talking about North Korea’s anthrax weapon program.

EYES WIDE SHUT – HOLLYWOOD Occult Decoded Trailer – Jay Dyer – Jay Weidner

Jay Dyer and Jay Weidner explore the subtle symbolism hidden throughout Eyes Wide Shut, which reveal the secret machinations of the power elite. Overtly this is a tale of a man, who thinks he is at the top of the game, but is knocked out of his comfort zone as he stumbles across a secret society of the uber-rich. Was this all a ploy to lure a new member into their plots or simply a series of accidental encounters?

Porkins Policy Radio episode 123 Boxing Day Special with Tom Secker

For my Boxing Day Special I am joined by goof friend Tom Secker. We have a lengthy discussion about the year 2017, our ups and down’s, and some of our favorite and least favorite news stories of the year. We begin by discussing our favorite news stories of the year. Next Tom and I move onto what we felt was the most important news story of the year. We discuss why the War in Yemen and the defeat of ISIS constitute this title. Tom and I also discuss the significance of the #MeToo movement, and some of the problems we have with the way in which the media is covering it.

Pedophile Hastert Case- Clinton Scandals, FBI & the COINTELPRO II Directive

Welcome to Probable Cause with Sibel Edmonds. A new accuser has come forward alleging sexual assault in a lawsuit filed against Former Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert. The accuser claims that Hastert sodomized him in the 70s when he was 9 years old. This lawsuit comes several years after a hush money case revealed allegations of sexual abuse against Hastert from his days working as a high school wrestling coach in Illinois.