
Idlib is a Regional Relationship Stress Tester

As has been stated and restated here, there are geo political players in the Syrian arena that would benefit from having Turkey and Russia at each other’s throats. In Idlib as well as elsewhere. So far Russia and Turkey have continued to cooperate, but, there looks to be some  more recent attempts at creating discord.This recent stirring of the pot along the M-4 highway does not benefit Turkey. It does benefit others.

OPEC's Number 3, Abu Dhabi, Set To Boost Oil Production

Another combatant in this most recent oil war... Why a race to the bottom? Knocking shale out of the game? Aiding Iran in circumventing sanctions? Weakening Saudi Arabia? Weakening the US? Russia flexing it's oil muscle?Why? And, why now?  Isn't the over hyped corona virus doing enough global financial damage?  Banks and oil companies walk hand in hand.

Birth Pangs of the New Middle East Sitrep: Russia, Syria, Turkey, US, EU etc.,

So, the regional remake is being rebranded Birth Pangs ala Condoleeza Rice during the Bush Administration and I'm going to create a new label as well. 1 : The US Will NOT Assist Turkey in undertaking any type of retaliatory strikes- Not a surprise. And yes, I'm tired of the bogus claims that the US and Turkey are working together in the context this is commonly presented in.

Talking About Idlib With Hubby Today... Updates Inc.

 Geo politics is one of my favourite topics. Much to hubby’s consternation at times. Though he is my number one sounding board for this blog, since I started here in 08. And yah, we’ve been married for much longer then that!   Anyway, while driving in the car today we got to have a really good hashing out about what each of us thinks is occurring.Hubby said “It’s hard to understand the situation entirely”Sure enough it is. However he continued with these thoughts.