
Turkey always partnering with Israel- Shoots down Syrian plane.

Hot on the heels of Israel’s incursion into Syria.  Hope that is not a surprise to anyone? Turkey and Israel in cahoots. Shouldn't be a surprise.  Not if you have been paying attention.Recall? It was just a few days ago the vile Israeli attack on Syria took placeIsrael launched airstrikes into Syria- supporting their Islamists, of courseTurkey is doing the same job. Supporting NATO's Islamist mercenaries.

Ukraine- How insane is the EU- Sanctions? Lavrov shuns Kiev stooge & more

Big power talks make little progress

-High-level diplomatic efforts to resolve the crisis in Ukraine made little apparent headway at talks in Paris on Wednesday with Moscow and Washington at odds and Russia's foreign minister refusing to recognize his Ukrainian counterpart.

-Russia had earlier rebuffed Western demands that its forces that have seized control of Ukraine's Crimea region should return to their bases.

The New Great Game: Why the Ukraine matters to so many other nations

Again a 3 post day. Sigh.....Actually started working on this one early in the mornin' but got sidetracked by poster comments and linksSo my  3rd contribution for the day below 1st- Op-ed from Israel Shamir The Spectacle In Kiev: The Brown Revolution2nd-Excellent Interview -William Engdhal with James Corbett: The Western Agenda in the UkraineWhat is going on in the Crimea?

Regime change success in Kiev. Is the battle for Crimea about to begin?

Meant to get this up yesterday, but, better late then not at allIn this post is a video, taken in the Crimea. It looks to me as if a provocative act aimed at the populace was taking place.  The locals would have none of it. The local population are fully aware the Kiev "protestors" are FASCISTS. Which they are. Fascists backed by the EU, US and NATO.