
US Insists Assad must go, but expects he will stay

Some insist the US is going to stop supplying rebels and finally get their  hired killers out of SyriaThose pushing that idea are mistaken. The US will not leave. The US will not stop aiding it's killers. One reason is that Israel has too great a stake in this fight.  There are other reasons, but, the Israeli stake in this destroy/destabilize campaign is enough to make the point. The US/NATO/Israeli special ops, military and Islamist mercenaries are going nowhere.

Ukraine: Chloroform deaths in Odessa? Who killed these soldiers?

 I started this one yesterday, but, couldn't get it done- The Ukrainian junta has every reason to want the Odessa massacre to just go away.  Particularly right before their so called 'election' just a few days away. So, claiming the anti coup protestors died of asphyxiation and heart damage due to chloroform inhalation would serve the coup government just fine. It would cover up and sanitize their orchestrated atrocity, to their benefit. Yet another example of how it is we have no knowledge of real history.

China/Russia Banking/Energy deal- Cue Uighur bombing/attack!

This is lengthy,but, worth reading or I would not have taken the better then two hours to put it togetherRussia, China, Ukraine, EU, US, NATO it's all here...Uighurs attack! Bloody car bombing on busy market Absolutely not a surprise. In fact last night, I said to hubby something along the line of- I betcha there is going to be some sort of attack against China involving the Uighurs.

China gives Putin a diplomatic boost- Really?

China gives Putin a diplomatic boost  Weird headline?Why not- "China gives Russia a diplomatic boost"?  It would seem to be more sensible to speak of two nation states bolstering one another as opposed to implying an entire nation is boosting just one individual?It truly seems the western media is creating a cult of personality around Mr Putin.  Do you think there is

Syria: Israel should punish Assad & HRW is pushing the chemical weapon meme

First news: Israel should punish Assad for killing civilians- Can you believe that headline?Israel as a moral authority? Hilarious? Absolutely!  Yet that is what they are suggesting.Of course punishing Assad is an absurdity- You know that this is really spin for a mass bombing campaign to punish Syrians for resisting the NATO rebels and continuing to live their lives as best they can.Coincidentally or not- HRW is suggesting or implying that the Syrian gov used chemical weapons.. First: Israel as a moral authority

Ukraine sends special "special forces" to Odessa- Slavyansk heats up

 There are now several updates at the bottom- please check them out?!Ukraine sends “special forces” to Odessa . Why?  Not because of the horrible atrocity committed by the thugs and soccer hooligans. No sireee.Kiev is pleased with bloodshed. As is the IMF. And Washington is pleased with those killings too.Since NATO's leadeship and it’s bank are pleased with the killing what else to do, but, guarantee more killing? The IMF all but stated Kiev had to get things under control or lose money.

Boston Bombing- Blame Russia (Hate to say I told you so, but......)

Last year around this time we had the Boston bombing incident, remember? If you don't you are about to get a reminder served up with a heaping side of perception management.Background:April 16/2013-Bombs at the Boston Marathon: Bomb sniffing dogs present pre-raceAt that time, in fact in that very post, I typed these words