
The pendulum of the Arab Spring has swung in Israel’s favor......."

 The pendulum of the Arab Spring has swung in Israel's favour. That is not a coincidence. That is long term planningOk, so much for my enforced break. After a lovely day in wine country.....I am back! Continuing on with the situation in the ME. Hope you all listened to that Max Igan interview?During the first hour of the interview Max says something along the line of the Arab Spring changing the scenery for Israel.

Coordinated Sanctions Target Russia's Ability to Tap Oil Reserves including Arctic resources

I have mentioned the control of Arctic resources previously as one of many reasons for the targeting of Russia by NATO.So, it is interesting to note that the sanctions are geared towards prohibiting Russia from accessing it's Arctic resourcesBefore we get to the sanction we are going to FLASHBACK to December 2011. Back more then 2 & 1/2 years ago.... Cause sometimes you have to go back to the future - Pun intended

Cathy Young/Slate- Let's count the adhominems against Stephen Cohen

Never heard of this presstitute previously. Who can keep track of them all? A dime a dozen like any other cheaply made product. Oh, my! Did I use an adhominem to describe this alleged journalist?Why yes I did! "Presstitute". Obviously a spin off on prostitute- someone who does what ever is asked- for payment.Except with Cathy Young, not a journalist, the label - Presstitute- fits. She did whatever asked, for money. And she put her name to it!  I read her entire diatribe. It can't be taken seriously.

Al Qaeda + "Awakening Councils" = ISIS

I have been working on this post for two, well really three, days now. It's long. But worth reading entirely. In this post-  ISIS- A US created "stay behind" using Iraqs plundered wealth a scenario was presented, to you, explaining how the stolen wealth of Iraq was used by NATO leadership, mostly US/UK, to create ISIS. We recalled the forgiving of odious debt, a request made by the US, which freed up Iraq's wealth to be used & abused, intentionally, under the watchful eye of L.

The fall of Mosul. Who benefits and who does not. Updated!

 So, I'm reading on the events in Iraq this morning. The fall of Mosul. Yes, the fall of Mosul!Why? Why now? How?Mosul, Iraq. Bordered by the Tigris, located between Turkey, Iran and of course SyriaSo, a good location if one is planning to attack or further destabilize several nations.Oil rich. Always a benefit. Always a concern to those who wish to control resources globally- NATOBe aware or beware, we're going long and while ambling through the brambles we will meet up with a familiar faceWho benefits?- US, Israel, NATOWho does not benefit?- Syria, Iraq, Iran.