
Oil Wars? US/Saudi Arabia vs Russia/Iran

Before we discuss the ‘global oil war’, we need to get some basics down- Bear with me on this, ok? I’ve been thinking about this for most of the day...Oil Wars The US dollar is on the rise. What affect does the increasing US dollar have on oil prices?  How does the increasing US dollar value make it easier for the US, aided by Saudi Arabia, to wage a global oil price war?

US carries out 90 percent of attacks on ISIS- Turkey not complying and much more

Me, thinking aloud. And looking for input on the post subject?Some thoughts: The so called entire coalition is obviously less then willing to get involved in this fight, presently. And this reluctance is larger then just Turkey's recalcitrant behaviour? What is going on in the wider scheme?I am not getting the impression that France and the UK have been overly active in these bombing runs. Never mind the GCC nations. Also all this bombing the US has been doing? What the hell are they actually accomplishing?

Turkey and Russia: Geostrategy, Trade and the Big Picture

Continuing on with our bigger picture news day Want Turkey’s support on ISIS- Think Russia- Al JazeeraRead in full at the link

“It took Washington four years to wake up from the dream to realise that replacing Ankara with Erbil was much like replacing Britain with Malta as the main ally in the Mediterranean”

It wasn’t going to work out?

Yet, another ISIS beheading- just in time for the weekend media spin

Breaking news: Islamic State video purports to show beheading of UK captive Alan Henning

Islamic State militants fighting in Iraq and Syria released a video on Friday which purported to show the beheading of a man identified as British citizen Alan Henning.

Reuters could not immediately verify the footage on YouTube, to which pro-Islamic State Twitter feeds provided links.

Remember " War against Iraq, Syria & Iran? " ISIS wants Saudi Arabia?

I am packing a heck of a lot of info into this post! It has to be done. Sit down for a spell and read.The US strikes ISIS oil targets? Lots of news outlets presenting the US air strikes as strikes on ISIS assets.. Let’s be straight on this. These aren’t ISIS oil assets. These are Syria’s oil assets.And there is no doubt in my mind that ISIS ‘took over’ these oil assets so the US could take these same oil assets out! Recall this?War against Iran, Iraq and Syria?