
Fort Carson Troops Will Deploy to Ukraine?

Surely looks to me that the US/NATO war machine is looking for war. Not peace. WAR.How else to explain more American soldiers going to the Ukraine?  Fort Carson is located near Colorado Springs ( I had to look that up) It appears to be a long term move, or at the very least, there appears to be no end date for this deployment. Will more soldiers be sent at a later date? What’s going on?

Pt.2- Kurd/ ISIS Symbiosis- The impending destruction of Turkey

Double Cross -to betray or swindle, esp. by an action contrary to an agreed upon course.I suspect Turkey is in the process of being double crossed- And, I believe Erdogan is aware of this.We have seen this type of double cross on more then one occasion. Libya had attempted to cooperate with the US only to be betrayed and Gaddafi brutally killed.

Kurd/ ISIS Symbiosis- The impending destruction of Turkey.

What about this relationship between ISIS and the Kurds? (not brand Yazidi specific) 

It's seems to be a real working relationship. I have remarked on that symbiosis, more then once here at the blog. And elsewhere too! 

FWIW: I believe the Kurdish Pashmerga and ISIS to be joined at the hip to the American/Israeli evil twins.

Russia lives in an Alternative Reality?- CNN (provider of alternative reality for the masses)

A follow up to this post:  Wednesday, October 15, 2014 : Oil Wars? US/Saudi Arabia vs Russia/IranIt's as if the US is wanting to drag the entire globe down even further then they did already with their mortgage backed security scam? More than half of Russia's revenue comes from oil.   LONDON (CNNMoney)

John Kerry in Canada:“Solidarity” Shooter video? Anti terror laws. CSIS = CIA

Canada/US solidarity in more ways then oneSolidarity is key, because NATO leader (US) and NATO toady (Canada) are joined in solidarity to expand/commit and justify global terror. Therefore solidarity would be a priority.Of course, it’s just good timing that  Kerry was previously scheduled, (“planned trip”) to visit Canada  for “bilateral meetings’. Gives him the chance to personally express his condolences.....