
Obama OK's Arctic Drilling! Greenpeace can see their coffers grow

Obama OK’s Drilling for Oil in the Arctic-Big non surprise- Really. This should not be a surprise. All manner of environmental destruction is wrought to benefit the oil/banking cartel. War being a huge destructive force for profit. Those facts are the very reason I have  repeatedly stated- if you believed that the AGW scam was ever going to impede or harm the oil/banking/pharma/chemical/war cartel in any way shape or form, you have been duped.

Islamic State (no such thing) fraying from within? Recruiting shortfalls?

WaPoKeep in Mind -There is no “Islamic State”- There is a msm presentation of such an entity existing, in order to justify NATO/Israeli military intervention. There is no “Islamic State” There are only bought and paid for mercenaries waging a destabilization campaign, in order to remake the middle east.Considering the aformentioned facts, how should we interpret the allegations of fraying in the non existent state?