
What’s Behind the Iraq/Turkey/ Mosul Spat? Mosul is still today in Iraq!

I’ve continued to look for more information on Mosul. Which is still in Iraq as of  today!Knowing the situation was vastly more complex then the simplistic tossing around of  memes such as ‘Sunnistan’, Neo-ottanism and the ‘sultan’ kept me digging for something of substance.Not saying the article I’m linking below is the final word on the subject of what’s really going on in Mosul. Certainly not. Rather the article provides us a broader, more realistic look at the situation.Someone here had mentioned the name Fidan and left some info. Very interesting man.

F William Engdahl: Russian Roulette/ Erdogan's Oily Revenge?

Mr Engdahl address's the all to convenient narrative of framing/blaming Erdogan regarding the shoot down of the Russian jet- When it just isn't that simple! As he makes clear. Many players buying that oil- Many NATO partners involved- Turkey being a NATO nation. Japan and Israel both being tied into the NATO tyranny.

Sinjar: Creating a Crucial Supply Route for KurdIShIS & Annexing Iraqi Territory

This is about redrawing the borders of the middle east- Weakening certain states. Strengthening others. This is about ethnic cleansing. Displacing persons. You want simple narratives? The war mongering  media and plenty of other so called alt media sites will spoon feed you all the drivel you can stomache.I am way past believing there is any real fight between the alphabet Kurds and ISIS.Both brands are getting their support, munitions, arms and everything else from NATO/US/Israel.

Tony Blair Admits Iraq War Gave Birth to ISIS!

Why, yes, the utterly unnecessary, illegal, immoral, criminal and inhumane war did indeed "birth ISIS".  By design.  As intended.  Not incompetence. Not blow back. Mr Blair should  not be walking freely on the planet to wreak yet more havoc. Sadly, he is. (Middle East Peace Envoy? Now resigned) & Tony Blair- War Criminal & Carbon ProfiteerIn 2009- Tony Blair stated.

Russia building an A2/AD Bubble over Syria/Levant

Please read this entirely:I've been trying to sort fact from fiction regarding Russian involvement in Syria. Without relying on disinfo from Ruslan Liviev and Bellingcat!  The most egregious propaganda contains a mere grain of truth surrounded by a mass of lies. That, in my opinion, fit most of the reports concerning Russian involvement in Syria.  I seem to be nearly alone, except for Saker, in trying to be rational and not disseminate propaganda.  Finally and it pleases me to no end, I've found something that makes sense to me!