
The World is Not Enough: JaysAnalysis w/Patrick Henningsen (Half)

This is the first free half of a full talk for paid subscribers.  Patrick Henningsen of 21stCenturyWire joins me for another graduate level course in geopolitics, as we break down the following topics: Mainstream media hoaxes, fake news, Atlanticist hegemony, intelligence operations and smart power/soft power fronts, NGOs, the war in Aleppo, “White Helmets,” the history of CIA operations in Syria, Hollywood’s Rendition, Turkey’s role,  007 and The World is Not Enough’s plot in relation to modern Eurasian subterfuge, the secret behi

Was Syria Cooperating Militarily With Turkey Against The PKK? I Would Say YES

Stumbled across this article, quite by chance- from Jamestown FoundationWritten in 2010- Before the NATO destabilization of both nations began in earnest.And this is an anniversary post of sorts, also, as you'll find out at the end!Let's have a look back, keeping in mind all we know from then to present time:

Vladimir Putin, Godfather of Kurdistan? Not a Parent of Kurdistan?

Brief but necessary ramblings:Russia has sold Syria’s sovereignty down the river. As the US long did.Both the US and Russia claim Syrian sovereignty is non negotiable. Both are lying. Would everyone feel better if I said- misleading?  Russia jumped into the Syrian fracas to block a split, a complete split, or a balkanization.  Pushing for some type of federated Syria instead of the US fracture. Speaking for myself, I wanted Syria to remain the nation that stole my heart.

US/NATO War Expansion- Special Ops to Airbase-AWACS and more

Points covered in previous post: Syria:NO Peace Talks- US to Intensify ISIS "fight" & Israel wants a Kurdish State*Still doubting the Geneva talks will take place-*Israel’s call for a so called “kurdish state” should’ve come as no surprise to anyone that reads here* Israel and Sunni Muslims have long been allied and Kurds are largely Sunni Muslims.

Big Oil/Banks Conquer the World: From Altered Genes to Phony Greens

 One hour and ten minutes, approximately- Worth the time to watch.Personally speaking, I think Mr Corbett did a terrific job with this documentary, covering many of the topics I've covered all these years. Including invoking the Hydra!   A beast  I've used repeatedly, as metaphor, to explain the interconnections between Big Banks, Oil, Pharma, Agriculture, Chemical & Military.  A beast that threatens us all. A beast that serves to remind my open minded thinkers and readers that this bunch of psychos are not going to be hamstrung by the carbon agenda.