
Turkey/US: Cat & Mouse. Creating Kurdistan aka Israel 2.0 Has Been A Mass Bloodletting

 Weaponized Migration etc., And it could get worse.Let’s flashback to the post: Turkey's Move On Syria- Why now? Broken Promises, Coup Fall out, US Elections & Chemical Weapons Meme, Again!At the time Turkey moved into Syria we were supposed to believe that the US was behind Turkey- That seemed less then true. Less then accurate. As mentioned:

Pt 2- Turkey's "Keystone Coup": A Failure to Project Power

  Turkey's Coup- Pt1: Contradictory Claims and Egypt's rolePerception: How an event is perceived can make the difference between success and failure.I do not sit in the camp of the Mockingbird media, msm and alternative.  Those who are busying themselves with common appeals to ridicule and other mind games.  1- “keystone coup” to manage the readers perception.2-