
Fisk on the US sanctioned Killing of Russian Lieutenant Asparov


“I’ve never been a believer in plots but not many months ago, the US air force bombed and killed dozens of Syria’s army defenders in Deir ez-Zour”

 Fisk has never been a believer in plots?! Yet he’s made a life’s work reporting on every manner of plot. What an odd claim. Let’s define plot:

Companies Slated To Build Tar Sand Pipelines Have Spilled 63,000 Barrels Since 2010

An oil spill from the Belle Fourche Pipeline that was discovered Dec. 5, 2016 in Ash Coulee Creek, a tributary of the Little Missouri River, near Belfield, N.D. (Scott Stockdill/North Dakota Department of Health)
The companies behind four proposed pipelines that would transport oil from Canada’s tar sands have spilled 63,000 barrels of hazardous liquids – including crude oil – from their existing US pipeline network since 2010, according to government data.

US May Strike “ISIS” in the Philippines. China/Philippines Joint Resource Exploration.

US May Strike “ISIS” in the Philippines.  Before we get to the very interesting news regarding China/ Philippines Joint South China Sea Development we'll read the news regarding the decision making for the desired attack on the Philippines that may take place as early as tomorrow.

“Syrian” Kurds Plan to March to the Mediterranean Sea- Greater Kurdistan

.....is unfolding right before our eyes. And 5 eyes media unquestioningly and approvingly report on the annexation of Syria territory in glowing terms while characterizing Turkey’s reaction as negative. Which it will be, of course. However, did anyone ask the Syrians themselves, all the rest of them how, they feel about their country being annexed?Why should Turkey be overjoyed with this? It’s obvious where this is heading?Should the Turks go, ‘oh yeah, the destruction/annexation occurring in Syria is our future and that’s just great’!

On Climate, Justin Trudeau’s Is ‘No Better Than Trump’

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, pictured here visiting an urban greenhouse in Montreal last month, “sure is cute, the planet’s only sovereign leader who appears to have recently quit a boy band,” writes Bill McKibben. But don’t be fooled. (Photo: Lufa Farms/flickr/cc)
Environmentalist Bill McKibben is sick of people glossing over Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s climate record just because he’s nice to look at.