
Turkey Issues Arrest Warrant for CIA’s Graham Fuller

That would be the very same Graham Fuller that shuffled Fethullah Gulen off to the US back in the 90's- When Mr Gulen went into self imposed exile in the Keystone State.Then there are the Graham Fuller connections to the Boston bombing incident!  Henri Barkey gets a mention too! All three of those names should be very familiar to readers here! Of course, I will relink some of those previous posts :)

War Footings? Saudi Arabia: Mass Purge = Power Consolidation

The Saudi move is definitely connected to the Harriri step down.(Lebanon). Israel’s massive aerial military exercises (Lebanon/Syria) The IDF move on the Syrian village, Natural Gas resources in Lebanese waters, coveted by Israel. Are we looking at the ground readying for expanded war? Too early to say, but, definitely cannot be discounted out of handFollowing up on previous post: Saad Harriri Informed of Assassination Plot Before Resignation?