
Manbij Quandary- US Turkish Tensions to Worsen & Mattis set to go

You better believe the Manbij situation and the possible kicking to the curb of Mattis are connected! Flashback: Jim Mattis- His alleged appeasement of Turkey is pretty questionable however it may have been too much for the superhawks in the Trump Whitehouse. FrontPage Magazine: Time to Get Tough With Turkey

A Multinational Regional Remake was Impeded in Afrin

 I'm not going to say it was stopped dead in it's tracks. Since I'm expecting the US to make yet another move. Perhaps with Israel by it's side? The remake the region agenda has been spoken of for years here at the blog. It’s interesting to me that the Turks and Russians both speak openly about the US plan to remake the region. Assad has also. The 5 eyes msm and alt don't mention it. Save for a handful of individuals.