
US State Dept.Announces Foreign Ministers Meeting of the Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS

Planning.........The coalition will absolutely, undoubtedly be attended by the Iraqi foreign minister. Iraq is NOT allied with Syria (no matter what disinfo Canthama @ Syper might claim about Iraq and Syria being allied- they aren't. Same claim disinfo Canthama made about the YPG/PKK being allied with SAA, when they were actually allied with the USrael coalition ethnically cleansing the areas the "took over" from their symbiots ISIS) Canada will be in attendance, undoubtedly.As will France. Germany. Britain. Israel (yes, Israel) The US, of course. Iraq. Saudi Arabia. UAE. Egypt. Australia.

Seven Hospitalized After Fracking Pipelines Explode

A series of natural gas pipeline explosions in Midland County, Texas on Wednesday hospitalized seven people with injuries and highlighted the risks of transporting fossil fuels.
Dr. Sandra Steingraber, a New York-based scientist who advocates against hydraulic fracturing—a fossil fuel extraction method also called fracking—tweeted that her experience seeking an update on the explosions reminded her how often pipelines carrying natural gas blow up: