
Riot Charge Levied Against Journalists Covering Dakota Access Pipeline Protests

Law enforcement vehicles line a road leading to a blocked bridge next to the Oceti Sakowin camp where people have gathered to protest the Dakota Access oil pipeline in Cannon Ball, N.D. (AP/David Goldman)
BISMARCK (REPORT) — At least five journalists have been charged with engaging in a riot while covering Dakota Access Pipeline protests, an offense that would carry a stiffer penalty under a proposal before the North Dakota Legislature.

Vid-Syria, Assassinations, Wikileaks & the West: The Big Plan Exposed – JaysAnalysis (Half)

In this latest installment of JaysAnalysis, I cover the big picture story of Libya, Syria and the post-modern imperial plan to restructure these nations for NATO and the Bilderberg establishment’s pipeline plans. I cover fake news at length in the first free half, and the black markets, as well as deeper connections to wikileaks and Benghazi in the second half.  This is the free half of a full video talk which can be obtained for 4.95 a month or 60.00 per year for access to the full JaysAnalysis archives at the PayPal links.