Pink Floyd

Who Thinks Subsidizing Rich Sports Team Owners Is A Good Use Of Public Funds?

I was elected freshman class president at college and the first vote I remember taking on the student council was to oppose spending student funds on moleskin-- a cotton fabric some sports team wanted because it's resistant to wind and abrasion. Let them get their own moleskins; I had Fugs, Doors, Country Joe & the Fish, Who and Otis Redding concerts in mind, not to mention lectures by Timothy Leary and Julian Bond.

WATCH: Roger Waters Defends His Pro-Palestinian Position, BDS

Roger Waters performs during his “Us + Them” tour stop at Staples Center on, June 20, 2017, in Los Angeles. (Chris Pizzello/Invision/AP)
Roger Waters recently sat down for a Q & A with representatives of Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS), a group he supports which calls for a cultural and business boycott of Israel until such a time that the issue of peace for Palestine can be resolved.

Roger Waters has come under attack from the Israel lobby for his pro-Palestine stance which he incorporates into his musical performances.

Roger Waters answers questions on his pro-Palestine position

Roger Waters recently sat down for a Q & A with representatives of Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS), a group he supports which calls for a cultural and business boycott of Israel until such a time that the issue of peace for Palestine can be resolved.
Roger Waters has come under attack from the Israel lobby for his pro-Palestine stance which he incorporates into his musical performances.

MIAMI: Local officials force children out of performance with Roger Waters

Pink Floyd co-founder Roger Waters is currently on tour in North America. In spite of the success of the musical tour, Waters has found himself on the receiving end of a campaign by the Israeli lobby to boycott his performances and records due to his vocal support of Palestine.
Recently, members of the Israel lobby announced the production of a film called ‘Wish You Weren’t Here’ a film critical of Rogers which appropriates the name of the multi-platinum 1975 Pink Floyd album Wish You Were Here.

EXCLUSIVE: Gilad Atzmon on politics in music, Roger Waters, Palestine and humanitarianism

Recently, Pink Floyd co-founder Roger Waters has been in the news, not for his North America musical tour but for his politics. As an outspoken supporter of Palestine, he has come up against the Israel lobby in many western countries.
Recently, various pro-Israel activists have financed the making of a film against Waters called Wish You Weren’t Here, a mockery of the Pink Floyd album and song Wish You Were Here.

Fear Keeps Us All In Line

I haven’t heard Roger Waters’ new album— his first in 25 years, released last week— Is This The Life We Really Want?, yet, just the title track… which I urge you to listen to too. Sonically, the resemblance to Pink Floyd’s The Wall, will make you feel comfortable— and make the austere, even chilling, message, easier to digest and grapple with.

Roger Waters has lost millions by standing up for Palestine–but he doesn’t care

Roger Waters, the primary composer and lyricist of Pink Floyd during their most prominent years has for decades, used his music  to convey a message of peace and humanity. He has typically got it right and occasionally gets it wrong.
One issue he has got totally right is the issue of Palestinian suffering at the hands of Israeli war, occupation and economic blockade. For over ten years, Waters has made the issue of Palestinian freedom a central point in his music and accompanying dramatic stage shows.

How western elites conspire to kill free speech: The Clear Channel Memorandum

There are many examples of the contempt the western elite harbour towards their own citizens. Some of the most poignant examples, however, are not expressed in government policy but in the subtle ways that the media toes an unofficial government line, doing something legislation could not so rapidly do, control, numb and confuse the hearts and minds of ordinary people.

The Occult History of Punk Music – John Adams on JaysAnalysis (Half)

This is the free half of a full talk which can be obtained at JaysAnalysis by subscribing at the PayPal links below.  Musician and researcher John Adams of The Afternoon Commute joins me to divulge new details in relation to his ongoing series with researcher Nino on the secret history of punk music. Arising from the psychedelic genre and the 60s counter-culture (so-called) movements, punk became an iconic sub-genre that would eventually have a tremendous impact on “youth culture” through the 70s, 80s, 90s, and into today.