PINAC News Top 3

Florida Cops Keep Innocent Man in Jail for Eight Months, Resulting in $150,000 Settlement

The Fort Lauderdale police department got it wrong when they arrested the wrong man thinking he was a burglary suspect.
But the Florida police department still kept him in jail for eight months for the crime he did not commit.
Dmitry Lyubimov was not released until authorities finally acknowledged that they lacked physical and DNA evidence.
Now the city has reached a wrongful arrest settlement of $150,000 with the 26-year-old man.

WATCH: NYPD Settles Lawsuit in Teenage Brutality Case Where Witness was Pepper Sprayed for Recording

NYPD cops brutally beat 19-year-old Jateik Reed for resisting arrest and carrying drugs in 2012. Drugs were never found and the case was dismissed in court. Reed then filed a civil rights lawsuit against the city.
Now New York City has settled the lawsuit with Reed, who is now 24, for the amount of $614,500, his lawyers announced earlier this month.

Former Massachusetts Cop Sent Back to Prison for Child Porn After Early Release from Prior Child Porn Arrest

A Massachusetts police officer was convicted of possession of child pornography while on duty in 2011 after mistakenly sending a CD of child porn images to the local district attorney, including photos of himself masturbating to these images inside the evidence room of his agency.
Alan Vigiard, who resigned from the Adams Police Department, was sentenced to two years in prison, serving a year in prison.

LAPD Chief Charlie Beck Sued for Retaliating Against Reporter who Exposed Embarrassing Arrangement Involving Daughter and her Horse

Los Angeles police arrested journalist Jasmyne Cannick while covering a protest against police brutality the night before Thanksgiving 2014, twisting the truth to accuse her of leading a throng of protesters across an imaginary police “skirmish line,” then claiming in their reports that she became so aggressive, they had to push her back.

Chicago Pays $3 Million Settlement for Police Shooting Death of Teen Holding iPhone Case Mistaken for Gun

Chicago will pay a $3 million settlement to the family of a teenager shot and killed while fleeing police on a busy street, claiming he had a black object in his hand that made them fear for their lives.
The black object turned out to be an iPhone case.
And surveillance cameras do not show Cedric Chatman, 17, pointing the object at officers as he fled as police initially reported, although the videos are grainy.

WATCH: Iowa Cop Leaves Man Paralyzed During Traffic Stop

After being shot three times by an Iowa cop during a traffic stop on November 1, Jerime Mitchell is now paralyzed from the neck down.
Linn County Attorney Jerry Vander Sanden announced this week that no charges will be filed against the shooting officer after a grand jury declined to return an indictment against Cedar Rapids police officer Lucas Jones.
However, the grand jury arrived at that decision without obtaining statements from Mitchell, even though his lawyer insists she tried for several weeks to set up an interview with investigators and her client.

Missouri Police Association Sues Missouri Police Department Over Public Records Violations

A Missouri police association filed a lawsuit against the city of Columbia, accusing its police department of violating the state’s public records law by refusing to provide records in a timely manner, then charging an exorbitant amount for the requested records.
Last summer, the Columbia Police Officers’ Association requested two months worth of email correspondence between Columbia Police Chief Ken Burton and Deputy Chief of Police Jill Schlude.

Three South Carolina Prison Guards Charged With Attempted Murder for Stabbing Handcuffed Inmate

A male inmate was handcuffed in his cell when three guards stabbed the inmate multiple times. The stabbing occurred at Kirkland Correctional Institution in Columbia, South Carolina.
Jarrell Boyan, 26, Pernell Fogle, 24, and Jaquan Smith, 24, have now been arrested for attempted murder and misconduct in office. And they have all been fired from the South Carolina Department of Corrections.
The charges against the three officers were announced on December 1st just one day after they were fired.

U.S. Attorney Targets Activist who Helped Save 14-Year-Old From Torture and is Now on Two-Month Hunger Strike

Carmen Ortiz, a federal prosecutor in Massachusetts with a history of highly-criticized political prosecutions – including one that drove a programming prodigy to suicide – is now targeting an anti-child abuse activist for his role in hacking the donation page of Boston Children’s Hospital in 2014.
Martin Gottesfeld, 32, said he only did so to keep the hospital from torturing a teenage girl, whose custody was stripped by the state at the request of the hospital.