PINAC News Top 3

Trump’s Ban on Muslims Divides America and Creates Havoc at Airports Across the Nation

Donald Trump has been President for less than 10 days and he has already caused mass chaos in airports across America. His executive order went into effect on Saturday which temporarily bans the entry of people trying to get into the United States coming from Iran, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Sudan, Somalia, and Yemen. Trump said during his campaign that in order to combat terrorism he wanted to ban Muslims from entering the United States.
The aforementioned countries are all predominantly Muslim nations.

Texas Cop Fired for Giving Homeless Man Feces Sandwich Fired Again for Second Poop Prank

The San Antonio cop fired in November for giving a homeless man a feces sandwich has been fired again for pulling another poop prank.
How can a person be fired twice from the same job?
In the case of San Antonio police officer Mathew Luckhurst, his termination is referred to as an “indefinite suspension,” meaning he is not allowed to show up to work, is not getting paid and has been told he is not welcome back.

Minnesota Cop Claims Self-Defense after Punching Handcuffed 14-Year-Old Girl in the Face

A Minnesota cop with three disciplinary actions on his record is facing 90 days in jail for twice punching a handcuffed 14-year-old Native American girl in the face, then grabbing her by the jaw and calling her a “fucking bitch.”
The Minneapolis city attorney’s office charged him Monday with one count of misdemeanor fifth-degree assault, according to the Star-Tribune.

WATCH: Ohio State Police Release Dash Cam Video Showing Cop Overreacting by Releasing Attack Dog

The Ohio State Highway Patrol released dash cam video from Monday’s incident in which they released a police dog on a man trying to record his cousin’s arrest.
The dash cam video shows the cop trying to pull over Samuel Tolbert for driving without a license plate, but Tolbert did not appear to realize he was being pulled over until after he pulled up into the driveway of his cousin’s house.

Wisconsin Sheriff David Clarke Detains Man for Looking at Him the Wrong Way on Airplane

Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke had a man detained for looking at him the wrong way on an airplane Sunday.  Or for mocking him over a football game.
Or, if you believe the sheriff, for making him fear for his life.
“Next time he or anyone else pulls this stunt on a plane they may get knocked out,” the sheriff said in a statement. “I do not have to wait for some goof to assault me.”

WATCH: Phoenix Cops Handcuff Man for Video Recording Police Station from Public Sidewalk for “Safety” Reasons

Phoenix cops handcuffed and detained a man for 35 minutes for recording on a public sidewalk outside a police station, citing “safety” reasons.
The man’s name is Elijah Wesbrock, according to his YouTube channel.
But the two officers who detained him apparently were unable to pry that information from him during the entire time they harassed, intimidated, handcuffed and frisked him for weapons.
They even turned off his camera, which was when they threatened to confiscate it, telling him he would be unable to retrieve it without providing his name.

WATCH: Dallas Jail Employee Yanks Off Belt, Threatening to Whip Man for Recording Her in Public

A Dallas jailhouse employee threatened to confiscate a teen’s phone, pulling off her belt and threatening to whip the 19-year-old citizen journalist for recording her in public.
Patrick Roth, who operates the YouTube channel, Dallas Community Watch Copblock, was forced to run down a walkway where another corrections officer grabs him, threatening him with arrest.

Illinois Cops Beating Black Man for Driving Own Car Highlights Larger Racial Profiling Issue

The white woman was trying to be a good samaritan when she called police on a black man entering his car and driving away in a suburban Chicago town, thinking he had stolen it.
But Lawrence Crosby owned the Chevrolet and figured he would drive to a local police station in Evanston to prove it after realizing the woman was following him.
The 25-year-old engineering doctorate student from Northwestern University was accustomed to being profiled because of his race as he revealed in a phone conversation with a friend recorded by his dash cam that evening on October 10, 2015.

California Men who Spent Seven Months in Jail for Rap Lyrics and Facebook Photos File Lawsuit

Two California men who spent seven months in jail for conspiracy to commit murder based on rap lyrics and Facebook photos that made no reference to actual murders filed a lawsuit against the San Diego Police Department Tuesday.
Police based their arrests on allegations that Brandon Duncan and Aaron Harvey were Facebook friends with suspected gang members they grew up with, using an obscure law that does not ever appear to have been used in California before the 2014 arrests.
But there was no evidence that either committed any murders or were actual gang members.