PINAC News Top 3

Washington Bus Driver Attacks Armed Photographer for Recording Him in Public

Not wanting to be recorded in public, a Washington city bus driver attacked a man with a camera Saturday, telling him, “If you take my picture, I’ll fucking lay you out, sonofabitch.”
The driver then stormed up to Scott Shimek with a hand over his face to conceal his identity, invading the photographer’s personal space while telling him, “get the hell away from me, punk.”
He then tried to snatch Shimek’s camera.
Shimek, who was open carrying with a Glock .40 caliber on his belt, told him, “you better get the fuck out of my face.”

PINAC’s Jeff Gray Gets Assaulted for Making Public Records Request; Returns With Television News Crew

October is School Bus Safety Month, which means school bus contractors will go out of their way to show the public that their buses are in compliance with safety standards.
Or more likely, go out of their way to push and shove citizens making these requests out of their office.
That’s exactly what they did to PINAC reporter Jeff Gray this week after he walked into a Student Transportation of America office in Jacksonville, asking to inspect and photograph safety and maintenance records for a particular bus.

FBI Unable to Prove Existence of Planned “Halloween Revolt” Ambush on Cops by National Liberation Militia

In a few hours as the sun sets and Halloween descends upon us, the streets of this country will turn into battlefields, pitting masked anarchists against uniformed cops, escalating this so-called War on Police, who are only trying to keep us safe.
That is, if you believe the FBI and the countless news sites that regurgitated its warning earlier this week about a group called the National Liberation Militia planning a “Halloween Revolt” this evening.

Ohio Police Assault Man for Recording, Who Then Tells Them, “Say Hello to YouTube, Motherfuckers”

Police in Ohio arrested a man in July, claiming he rolled up on them on his bicycle as they were conducting an investigation and began yelling profanities at them.
But now that they’ve released his camera, we can see they lied.
The video shows he only yelled profanities at them after they assaulted him for recording.
We can also see they also lied to him when they told him it was illegal to record a juvenile without parental permission.

Chicago Tribune Sues Mayor Emanuel for Refusing to Release Private Emails About Corrupt Red Light System

The Chicago Tribune is suing Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel for not complying with public records requests after the mayor refused to release communications about city business conducted through private emails and text messages.
The lawsuit states that the mayor uses private phones and private emails to conduct city business as a way to avoid the public release of his city related correspondences and activity.

Alabama Man Records Himself Getting Stopped and Frisked for Walking Down Street

Dressed in his Subway uniform, Deonte Lynn had just gotten off work and was walking down the street on his way to return a Redbox movie when he was confronted by an Alabama cop who didn’t like the way he was walking.
At least that’s what the cop said, but Lynn believes he was stopped because he is black.
And it certainly seems that way because the cop was unable to articulate a reasonable suspicion that he had committed a crime.

St. Louis Cop Shoots at Dog, Striking Owner Instead, Managing Not to Get Attacked

A St. Louis cop investigating a double-homicide Wednesday pulled out a gun to kill a dog, but ended up shooting the dog’s owner instead, who happened to be the mother of one of the murder victims.
The woman was struck in the leg and will survive.
The dog, who was not shot, apparently did not attack the cop as he had feared. The cop’s name has not been released.

St. Louis Cops Claim Man Shot Himself; Witnesses Claim Cops Shot Him (Updated)

Police in St. Louis say they chased an 18-year-old man down a street until he stopped, placed a gun against his face and shot himself dead.
But witnesses say police shot the man, who has been identified as Amonderez Green, only to later claim he had shot himself.
And although several people were recording, there does not appear to be a video of the actual shooting.
However, one video captures audio of the man’s mother exclaiming, “don’t shoot my baby,” following by a single gunshot.
Then a man can be heard yelling, “don’t kill me, please, oh God!”.