PINAC News Top 3

Milwaukee Cops Detain Man Fearing His Camera Could Be Gun, His Phone a Bomb Detonator

Claiming their precinct had come under recent terrorist threats and destructive acts of vandalism, a group of Milwaukee police officers surrounded a man standing outside their building with a camera, telling him they had the right to detain him for a warrant check for “safety reasons.”
“In light of things that have happened recently, it just kind of raises our suspicion,” said a cop who identified himself as “Officer Miller.”
“I have no malicious intent,” assured the videographer, who goes by Superrick568 on YouTube.

Oklahoma Cop Accused of Raping 13 Women on Duty Pleads Not Guilty

Former Oklahoma City Police Officer Daniel Holtzclaw is currently on trial for 36 counts of felony rape and sexual assault.
As an officer, he reportedly raped 13 women on different occasions while on duty.between December 2013 and June 2014. The Oklahoma City Police Department fired and arrested Holtzclaw in 2014.
Holtzclaw has pleaded not guilty.

Idaho Deputies Kill Rancher While Trying to Kill His Bull

Fearing for their lives, thinking an injured bull was about to come charging at them, Idaho deputies were preparing to shoot it dead.
But then the bull’s owner pulled up, a 62-year-old rancher named Jack Yantis, who was carrying a rifle.
Adams County sheriff’s deputies ended up shooting him dead.
Yantis was also said to have fired his gun, but it’s not clear if he was shooting at the bull, which had been struck by a car, or if he was trying to protect the bull from the deputies.

Los Angeles Deputy Sentenced to 8 Years for Beating Man

Eric Gonzalez was once a sergeant with the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department – now he is on his way to an eight year federal prison term.
Gonzalez was the supervisor on duty when he watched as Gabriel Carrillo was beaten by five other sheriff deputies in February 2011 at the Central Jail in Los Angeles.
U.S. District Judge George King ordered Gonzalez into custody immediately, saying, “You have abused your authority and corrupted the very system you were sworn to uphold.”

South Carolina Trooper Who Shot Unarmed Man Reaching for Wallet Caught Shoplifting at Walmart

The South Carolina trooper facing criminal charges for shooting a man reaching for his drivers license – after asking the man for his drivers license – is now facing criminal charges for shoplifting at Walmart.
But Sean Groubert has still managed to avoid spending much time in jail.
“Please keep me out of jail,” Groubert asked the judge on Monday, who was considering a motion to revoke the bond from his previous charge.

National Media Duped Again, Falling for False Anon Report Listing Gay and Hispanic Mayors as KKK Members

After a week of anticipation, the national media clamored all over a document purportedly leaked by Anonymous listing several prominent politicians affiliated with the Ku Klux Klan – not finding it strange that topping the list was an openly gay mayor as well as a Hispanic mayor who has long fought for the rights of migrant farm workers.
Not exactly the core values of the KKK, who believe in an all-white society shunning homosexuals and immigrants.

Louisiana Arrest of Man Recording Sheriff Leads to Wider Spy Scandal Involving Whoremongering Gubernatorial Candidate

Newell Normand, Sheriff of Louisiana’s Jefferson Parish, enjoys talking politics most mornings with his breakfast club of cronies at the Royal Blend Coffee shop in beautiful historic Metairie.
But Normand’s regular gathering was interrupted on October 23rd, the eve of a statewide primary election, when he and his group noticed a man at another table recording them.
Angered by the discovery, the group confronted the man, Robert J. Frenzel, snapping a photo of him before chasing him out of the coffeeshop and through the surrounding neighborhood.

Florida Prosecutor Drops Two Felony Charges Against Miami Dolphins CB’s Wife Arrested in Viral Video

A Florida prosecutor dropped felony charges of battery on a law enforcement officer and reduced a felony resisting arrest with violence charge to a pending misdemeanor against a Miami Dolphins player’s wife who was detained outside the stadium before his team’s first home game in 2015.
Former radio personality Miko Grimes is a widely known National Football League critic, but what’s unusual is that her husband, Brent Grimes, is a Pro-Bowl player.

California Cops Watch and Do Nothing as Cop Watcher Gets Assaulted by Cop Sucker

A California man with a camera walked up to a pair of illegally parked Bakersfield cops Halloween night, demanding their names and badge numbers, asking what would they do if he had been parking there.
Neither replied as the cop in the drivers seat rolled up his window while Lazaro Lopez continued badgering them with questions.
But then a drunken hero named Ramsey stepped in; a whiny, slurring man who was walking by, telling Lopez to “quit being such a little bitch.”
“These people are fucking protecting you,” Ramsey told him, getting into Lopez’s face.

Utah Police Officer Shoots Innocent Bystander After Getting Shot by Suspected Car Thief

Seconds after he was shot by a suspected car thief Friday, a Utah police officer pulled out his gun and fired back – striking an innocent bystander twice.
The Unified Police Department justified the shooting by saying the bystander looked “extremely close” to the suspect.
They also said the innocent bystander was suspicious because the cop saw him running away.
But they later learned he was running away from the initial gunfire.