PINAC News Top 3

WATCH: Ohio Cops Shoot and Kill Unarmed Man in Front of his Children

Ohio cops shot and killed an unarmed man in front of his girlfriend and three kids last week after he refused to pull over for a traffic violation.
Roy Evans Jr., who had a suspended drivers’ license, led police on high speed chase for 14-minutes on March 7.
When Strongville cops spun out his van with spike strips, Evans Jr. reached down, attempting to light a cigarette.
That was the last thing he’d ever do.
“Let me see your hands! Let me see your hands!” an officer screams seconds before blasting Evans in the chest point blank with two rounds.

North Carolina Cops Exposed as Liars by Lawyer Moonlighting as Uber Driver

All Jesse Bright wanted was an apology from the North Carolina police officer who told him it was against the law to record cops in public.
But the cop refused to take his calls in the week after Bright proved him wrong.
So Bright went public with the video, where it quickly went viral, picked up by news sites throughout the world.
Now Wilmington Police Sergeant Kenneth Baker is “under investigation” for his actions caught caught on camera that day, showing he not only lied about the law, but lied about having probable cause to search Bright’s car.

Connecticut State Troopers Charged with Kidnapping for Beating and Torturing Man at Party

Two Connecticut state troopers were arrested Tuesday for nearly beating a man to death while they were off-duty after a night of heavy drinking and nightclubbing.
The troopers were angry that the man grabbed a woman’s butt at an after-party in one of the trooper’s home.
In classic mob style, the troopers even took pictures of the man’s drivers license in an attempt to dissuade him from telling the police.
Now, both troopers have been suspended and a judge has put them both on house arrest until their day in court.

WATCH: Texas Cops Threaten PINAC Reporter with Make-Believe Law for Video Recording Police Station

Texas cops handcuffed and detained PINAC reporter David Worden earlier this month, threatening to jail him for breaking a make-believe law for recording police station from a public sidewalk.
The Missouri City police station, southwest of Houston, is in plain view of the public right of way.
And if you can see it from public, you can photograph it as well.

WATCH: Military Police Arrest Man for Silently Recording from Outside Air Force Base

It was a scene straight out of Nazi Germany.
Except it happened in the land of the free.
A military police officer at Luke Air Force base in Glendale, Arizona was caught on video arresting a peaceful cop watcher who goes by “Silent Citizen” on YouTube.
Because that’s his schtick.
Silent Citizen records police all while never saying a word, refraining from comments, insults or questions solely intended to incriminate the person answering them, which is supposed to be a Constitutionally protected right in the so-called land of the free.

Texas Cops Allow Dangerous Stabbing Suspect to Escape from Hospital

Texas cops let a man who stabbed a victim 15 times last month walk out of the hospital scot-free because he was “knocked out” and  “pretty much in a coma” during the three days it took him to recover and flee on his own two feet.
Now the suspect is on the loose, presumably armed, definitely dangerous.
Beeville Police claim Gilbert Martinez got away because they were never notified he left the hospital, saying they “had no idea” if the department left any contact information behind so the hospital could notify them in the event the suspect was released.

FBI Threatened Broke Stoner at Knifepoint to Buy Bomb Supplies, Leading to Trump’s First Terror Arrest

The Donald Trump administration’s Department of Justice boasted about its first FBI terror arrest on Tuesday.
After an elaborate undercover sting operation, the FBI arrested 25-year-old Robert Lorenzo Hester of Columbia, Missouri even though the only ties he had to terrorism were the two undercover FBI agents, posing as ISIS terrorists, who paid him to buy terrorism supplies from a hardware store that they convinced him were for a bomb.
The agents came in contact with Hester after becoming alarmed over his comments on Facebook posted under a pseudonym.

New Mexico Couple Awarded $1.6 Million in Police Abuse Case

The New Mexico cops did not appreciate Jillian Beck walking away from them after they responded to a neighborhood dispute, prompting an officer to grab her arm, twist it behind her back and slam her to the ground, leaving her with a fractured arm as he planted his knee on her back.
When the woman lifted her head to console her four-year-old son who began crying, the Las Cruces police officer slammed her face on a bed of rocks, leaving her with a broken nose and a bruised and bloodied face.

WATCH: NYPD Cops Taser Pregnant Teenager After She Demands Warrant to Enter Home

New York City police officers tasered a pregnant 17-year-old girl after she refused to let them inside her apartment without a warrant Friday night.
NYPD cops were already in the building when they made their way upstairs to the fourth floor in response to a fight between the girl’s boyfriend and her sister’s boyfriend over a video game.
The girl’s boyfriend had already left the apartment, but the girl, Dailene Rosario, who is 14 weeks pregnant, remained inside, arguing with her sister’s boyfriend when several cops banged on the apartment door.

WATCH: Southern California Deputy Threatens to “Create Something” to Arrest Man Filing Complaint Against Him

A Southern California sheriff’s deputy who threatened to arrest a man for attempting to file a complaint against him was simply having “a bad day,” his supervisors said.
San Bernardino County deputy Michael Bradbury did not have any actual grounds to arrest Duncan Hicks inside the  sheriff’s station in Victorville on January 20.
But he figured he would make that part up.  Or as he described it, “create something.”
That, of course, is nothing new. Cops create stories all the time to justify their arrests. Especially in contempt-of-cop situations as was the case here.