PINAC News Top 3

Chicago Police Refuse to Release Video of Police Shooting Because it Could “Inflame the Public”

Cedrick Chatman, a 17-year-old black male, was shot to death by a Chicago police officer in January of 2013.
Now, almost three years later, the city of Chicago refuses to release police video of the incident.
Police claim that Chatman, a carjacking suspect, pointed a dark object at police, making them fear for their lives.
Chatman’s family believes that is a lie.

New York Cop Tries to Intimidate Man from Recording Police in Public

A Port Authority police officer tried to intimidate a man from recording officers trying to pull a man off a bus in New York City Saturday.
But the cop backed off as soon as Nick Hentoff mentioned he was an attorney.
His video shows Port Authority officers’ attempting to remove a passenger from the bus. The passenger appeared dazed. The passenger also fell down as he tried to stand up.
It was then that a officer on scene got off the bus and confronted Hentoff for video recording saying:

New Jersey State Police Sued for Breaking Car Window and Dragging Man Out During Traffic Stop

Dennis Ortiz was pulled over by New Jersey state police last year for driving 110 mph on the interstate as he was driving back from Pennsylvania to New Jersey.
He readily admitted to the speeding and agreed to step out of the vehicle, where he followed the officer’s instructions in performing a roadside sobriety test, which he passed.
Once he was allowed back inside his car, his girlfriend was recording and asked him to recap the scenario.
Ortiz spoke into the camera, saying the cops gave him an “unlawful sobriety test with no probable cause in the vehicle.”

South Carolina Cop Pleads Guilty to Aiding Illegal Gambling Operation

Brendan Shea Smith of the Greenville County Sheriff’s Office pleaded guilty to misconduct in office on Thursday.
Smith was a Major and the Public Information Officer. Interestingly enough, Smith was third in command of the South Carolina agency.
Smith was in collaboration with Izzat Khalil, the leader of an illegal gambling operation. Over a five year period from June 2008 to December 2013 Smith leaked confidential police information to Khalil regarding police raids on illegal gambling sites, search warrants, and crime informant tips.

Indianapolis Police Recorded Shooting Man to Death

After repeatedly ordering a man to drop the knife, tasering him several times in the process, Indianapolis police shot and killed the man after he charged at them Saturday morning.
And while we’ve seen many videos that contradict police claims that a man with a knife came charging towards them leaving them no choice but to shoot, a witness video from this incident appears to support those claims.

Police Union Presidents Investigated, Arrested and Convicted

In yet another case of police sexual deviancy, a police officer has been caught with child pornography, specifically a police union leader.
Ronald Oldani, the former police union President of the St. Louis Police Officers Association, pleaded guilty to two felony counts of possession of child pornography.
Oldani is also a retired St. Louis police lieutenant. Now, he is on his way to prison after U.S. District Judge Stephen N. Limbaugh sentenced him last week to five years, followed by supervised release.

Los Angeles Deputies Caught on Video Shooting Man Walking Away, Then Crawling Away (Updated II)

Los Angeles sheriff’s deputies were caught on video shooting a man as he walked away from them, firing upon him repeatedly as he tried to crawl away on his stomach.
Los Angeles sheriff’s deputies confirmed the killing but have released no other  information at this time.
The video was recorded by a witness who is remaining anonymous but sent the video to KTLA, which describes the scene as follows:

Texas Deputies Clearly Shown Shooting Man With Raised Arms in New Video

A new video showing Texas deputies shooting and killing a man with his arms in the air was released Friday – two days after a grand jury chose not to indict the deputies.
The video clearly shows two Bexar County sheriff’s deputies opening fire on Gilbert Flores. And it clearly shows that Flores had his hands in the air.
What is not clear was whether or not Flores was holding a knife but if he was, he never lunged or charged or even waved the knife in their direction.
And it’s not clear why there is a missing audio portion in the seconds after the shooting.

South Florida Deputy Indicted for Killing Man After Winning Award for Killing Same Man

A South Florida sheriff’s deputy who received an award for bravery after shooting and killing a man in 2013 was indicted for that same shooting Thursday.
Broward County sheriff’s deputy Peter Peraza was charged with manslaughter with a firearm, a first-degree felony that could land him in jail for 30 years.
But only because a photo emerged in May 2015 that showed Jermaine McBean was wearing headphones when he was shot and killed.
Prior to that photo surfacing, Broward sheriff investigators claimed that McBean had his headphones in his pocket.