PINAC News Top 3

Florida Cop Handcuffs Man for Preaching Gospel on College Campus

A man who was preaching the Gospel on a Florida college campus was handcuffed and almost taken to jail, but was able to talk his way out of it after explaining to officers that he was not using a bullhorn but a voice amplifier to spread his message.
The University of South Florida police officer also threatened to arrest his friend for following them with a video camera.
Fortunately, other officers arrived on the scene who did not seem so hellbent on arresting the preacher or his friend.

Illinois Cops Suspected Suicide Immediately After Gliniewicz Shooting Death but Launched False Ambush Narrative Anyway

Despite insisting for two months that Fox Lake Police Captain Joe Gliniewicz had been killed in a brutal ambush as a victim of the fabricated “War on Police,” his fellow officers suspected he had killed himself from the moment they came across his body last September.
After all, there was plenty of evidence to suggest it was a suicide and hardly any evidence to suggest it was a homicide, according to newly released investigative reports.

Illinois Police Shoot and Kill “Suspicious Person” Photographing Schools

Illinois police shot and killed a man who was taking photographs of schools Wednesday.
The man was also carrying an air gun and wearing homemade body armor.
However, there is no indication he ever pointed a gun at the Zion police officers.
The only thing police are saying is that they were responding to a report of a “suspicious person” taking photographs of two local schools.
When they approached him, the man then led them on a pursuit, according to news reports. They caught up to him and a struggle ensued.
Then they shot him dead.

Mainstream Media Finally Acknowledging Need for Citizen Journalists

To those of us that use critical thinking skills, it’s no secret that the corporate media lies. Mainstream media has, for years, been using their influence to sway elections, push products, and even help get murderers off. Well as long as those murderers are wearing badges, that is.
This “brainwash the masses” mindset  has created a rift in society that has spawned a new type of media. These citizen journalists have emerged as an “alternate” media that has gained tons of credibility by reporting the real stories with videos to back up claims of abuses.

California Man Outraged Over Intensive TSA Pat-down of 10-Year-Old Daughter (Updated)

A California man who video recorded a TSA screener running her hands up and down his 10-year-old daughter’s body, placing special attention to the girl’s buttocks, breasts and inner thighs, and running her hands inside the girl’s dress, is accusing the TSA of going overboard during the intensive pat-down at a North Carolina airport last month.
But the Transportation Security Administration said they were only trying to keep everybody safe. 

Florida Police Department Sued for Beating Man after High Speed Chase

The Boynton Beach Police Department in South Florida is being sued amidst claims several of their officers brutally beat a man in August 2014 after a high speed chase.
The plaintiff, Byron Harris, alleges in the suit that he was severely beaten and that Boynton Beach Police Chief Jeffrey Katz wanted to get rid of the helicopter video that captured the beat down.
The lawsuit was filed this week. All charges against Harris were dismissed once prosecutors learned of the beating.

Alaska State Troopers Take Four Months to Admit They Did Not Have Right to Seize Reporter’s Memory Card

Back in September, an Alaska state trooper pulled over a newspaper reporter for the sole purpose of seizing his memory card from his camera.
The photographer, after all, had just taken photos of other troopers arresting a suspect in a shooting.
And that, apparently, was enough for Sergeant Michael Ingram to claim he needed the photos as “evidence.”

Connecticut Cop Threatens to Arrest Man for “Distracting the Traffic” for Holding Up Sign Warning Drivers of DUI Checkpoint

Standing on a public sidewalk on the side of the road, holding a sign warning drivers about an upcoming DUI police checkpoint, a Connecticut man was threatened with arrest Sunday, accused of “distracting the traffic.”
However, it was Hartford Police Sergeant Reggie Early who was blocking traffic with his patrol car as he threatened Michael Picard with arrest on a non-existent charge.
All because the 27-year-old man held a sign that said, “Cops ahead. Keep calm and remain silent.”
But at least he didn’t follow through on his threat.

Hawaii Man Sues Police for Beating Him on Beach in Viral Video Incident

A Hawaii man who was beaten by a cop on a beach for chanting next to a seal he believed to be injured filed a lawsuit last week.
The incident, which took place in 2014, was captured on video by witnesses who called the cops on the man, thinking he was harassing the seal.
But the man, Jamie Kalani Rice, said he was only trying to help the seal by sharing his mana or energy.
The video shows a Honolulu police officer named Ming Wang approaching Rice, exchanging some words and pulling out a baton to begin swinging it.