PINAC News Top 3

Arizona Senator Withdraws Bill That Would Have Criminalized the Recording of Cops

The Arizona senator who was trying to pass a law that would have made it illegal to record police from within 20 feet withdrew his bill after a national backlash that anybody could have predicted.
Anybody except John Kavanagh, the retired cop turned republican legislator who failed to do his research before proposing such a preposterous law.

Award-Winning Florida Deputy Indicted for Beating Non-Resisting Man in Surveillance Video

Florida deputies chased a suspected drug dealer for a mile before he stopped, raised his arms, fell to his knees and laid himself facedown on the ground in an obvious attempt at surrender.
The five Marion County deputies then hopped out of a truck and proceeded to beat him for 30 seconds; kneeing him, kicking him, punching him – all while yelling “stop resisting.”
They later claimed Derrick Price was combative and resisting, which was why he had a black eye in his mugshot.
But Price accused them of excessive force and a surveillance video proved him right.

BREAKING: FBI Releases Video of LaVoy Finicum Shooting

UPDATE II: 10:33 p.m. January 28, 2016.
The video was recorded from a fixed-wing FBI aircraft and shows the white truck that Finicum was driving had been pulled over by an unmarked law enforcement vehicle with emergency lights in its front grill.
He remains stationary for several minutes in the middle of the road, almost for four minutes, which were cut out in this edited version by the feds, before he began driving away (unedited version at bottom of article).
4:50 – He begins to drive away as the aircraft follows.

Minneapolis “Officer Friendly” Fired for Threatening to Break Teenager’s Legs

A Minneapolis police officer played the role of tough guy when he threatened to break a teenager’s leg on video during a March 2015 arrest.
On Tuesday, officer Rod Webber was fired after a  nine-month departmental investigation, according to Fox 9.
And only because 17-year-old Hamza Jeylani had the sense to record the encounter.

VIDEO: Oregon Standoff Ends With FBI Arrest of Bundy & Six Others, One Dead (UPDATED II)

Oregon protesters occupying the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge have been arrested after a firefight which left Oregon militiaman Lavoy Finicum dead.
Sources within the Oath Keepers organization claim that Finicum was surrendering peaceably to law enforcement when he was shot and killed, but there is no independent confirmation or video evidence of the ultimate showdown at this time.

NYPD Settles for Nearly $3 Million for Fabricating Charges Against Great-Grandfather to Protect Cop

An NYPD cop speeding on his police scooter lost control and ran into an elderly man crossing the street, sending the man flying head over heels and leaving him injured in the street.
New York City police officer Thomas Hopper then cited Jose Flores for jaywalking, accusing him of endangering the life of an officer by stepping in front of him, even though a surveillance video shows Flores looked both ways before crossing.
It also shows that Hopper had lost control and that the scooter was skidding on its side when it slammed into Flores on August 7, 2012.

Award-Winning Connecticut Cop Swipes Camera from Man, Telling Him it’s Illegal to Video Record Him in Public

A Connecticut state trooper seized a man’s camera, telling him it was illegal to record, then made the mistake of allowing the camera to continue to record as he conjured up false charges against the man with another trooper.
“We gotta cover our ass,” Trooper First Class John Barone explained to the other trooper.

Florida Legislature Votes to Gut Sunshine Law; Bill Would End Open Records Access Advocacy

Florida’s famous Sunshine Law is under attack in the state legislature today as a state House Committee has already voted to eliminate the provision that guarantees government agencies must pay citizens’  attorney fees when public records are illegally withheld.
Its companion measure, Florida State Senate Bill 1220, passed in committee today with a 3-0 vote and two abstentions.

Award-Winning Boston Cop Accused of Sending Penis Photo to Girl Expects Reduced Charges

An award-winning Boston cop accused of sending a photo of his penis to a 16-year-old girl will likely be spared jail because the photo is nowhere to be found.
Besides, even if his client did send her a photo of his penis, according to Guzman’s attorney, it’s not that big of a deal because pictures of penises can be found all over the internet.
And even though the girl is also accusing Boston Police Sergeant Edwin Guzman of buying her things in exchange for her pleasuring him, he is only facing a misdemeanor charge of annoying a person of the opposite sex.

Phoenix Cop Sentenced for Having Sex with Minor Girl

Want a baby in ya? That is exactly what a Phoenix police officer asked a minor 17-year-old girl before having sex with her at her parent’s home.
Officer Justin LaClere was sentenced last Friday to 60 days in jail for luring a minor for sexual exploitation and sexual conduct with a minor. Both charges are felonies.
But in a peculiar plea deal, LaClere received a extremely light sentence for such a blatant crime, which usually involve prison sentences of two to seven years.
The Phoenix cop was arrested in January 2014.