PINAC News Top 3

Florida Cops Shoot Up Family’s Home After Responding to Wrong Address

Florida police riddled a man’s home with bullets as his wife and son slept inside early Saturday morning, only to later tell him they had responded to the wrong address.
Nevertheless, Ocoee police forced the family outside, handcuffing them to the curb, refusing to let them back inside for ten hours.
This same department was exposed earlier this week as covering up for a veteran police officer who was accused of receiving drugs and money from a local street gang.
Now the little known police outside just northwest of Orlando has a lot of explaining to do.

Manslaughter Charge Dropped for Ex-Con Son Of NYPD Cop Accused of Killing Activist Before Fleeing

Manhattan District Attorney Cy Vance this week dropped the manslaughter charge against the ex-con son of a well-connected NYPD family who was caught on video driving onto a sidewalk while texting before striking and killing an outspoken civil rights activist, then fleeing the scene on foot and evading police for more than two months, all while he was on parole after serving a three-year prison stint on drug charges.

Texas Cop Shoots Man to Death After Confusing Cell Phone for Gun

Once again, another highly trained officer of the law shot and killed a man after confusing a cell phone for a gun.
San Antonio police officer John Lee claimed he was in fear for his life when he killed Antoine Scott Thursday night in a parking lot of an apartment complex.
But San Antonio Police Chief William McManus, who has reviewed video and audio recordings of the shooting, said Lee didn’t even give Scott a chance.
According to My San Antonio:

Arizona Cops Respond to Call of Suicidal Transgender Man and Kill Him

UPDATE: Danielle Jacobs was apparently in the process of transitioning from a woman to a man named Kayden Clarke as you can see on this YouTube channel.
In yet another reminder why we should never call police to assist with a suicidal person, Arizona police shot and killed a suicidal woman  after responding to calls from people who expected they would save her from suicide.

Oakland Cops Drag Man Out of Own Home and Kill Him, Thinking Him Possible Intruder

Responding to a call about a possible intruder inside a home, Oakland police arrived and discovered no intruder.
But that did not stop them from dragging a man out from his bedroom and into the street, suffocating Hernan Jaramillo until he died, ignoring his repeated pleas of “I can’t breathe” and “They’re killing me.”
Watching her brother die, Ana Biocini regretted ever calling police in the first place.
The incident took place more than two years ago but police body cam footage was only released last month.

Pittsburgh District Attorney to Refile Charges Against Acquitted Cop who Attacked Teen on Video

The Pittsburgh police officer who was acquitted this week on assault charges when a surveillance video clearly shows he assaulted a teenager will once again face the same charges after the FBI announced it would launch its own investigation.
Allegheny County District Attorney Stephen Zappala made the announcement this afternoon, informing reporters that he would refile charges against Sergeant Stephen Matakovich.

Montana Deputies Cleared in Shooting Showing Driver Veering Away from Them

Two Montana deputies said they were in fear for their lives when they opened fire on a stolen SUV, killing the man inside.
However, a dash cam video shows the SUV veered left as if to avoid striking them.
It also shows the two Yellowstone County sheriff’s deputies walking towards the approaching vehicle with their rifles drawn, opening fire as the vehicle veered left and continuing to fire after the SUV was nowhere in their path.
“I told him to stop, he hit the gas and came right at us,” one deputy can be heard telling a supervisor who later arrived on the scene.

Florida Man Shot and Paralyzed by Award-Winning Deputy Who Confused Phone for Gun Awarded $23 Million

After being shot and paralyzed from the waist down by Palm Beach County sheriff’s deputy Adams Lin, a 22-year-old Florida man was awarded $23 million by a federal jury Wednesday.
But that does not mean Dontrell Stephens will be able to receive the money anytime soon.
Because of a $200,000 state cap for jury awards, the issue must now go before the Florida Legislature.

Miami Police Union Leader Retaliates Against Woman Who Pulled Cop Over by Doxing Her

The head of the Miami Fraternal Order of Police is retaliating against the woman who pulled over a Miami-Dade police officer for speeding last week in a video that went viral by posting her personal information online and encouraging his followers to call and harass her.
The exact term is doxing and its intent is to harass, bully and intimidate.